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Spectrum Cable Box Receiver Error Codes

James_M Posts: 5,217 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
You may receive an error message or code while watching TV or ordering Video On Demand (VOD).

The following links outline troubleshooting steps and provide error code descriptions that will help you to resolve some of the most common errors associated with your Spectrum Receiver.

Arris, Motorola and Pace Spectrum Receiver Error Codes

Cisco/Scientific Atlanta Spectrum Receiver Error Codes

In most situations, restarting the cable box (unplug it for at least thirty seconds, then plug it back in) will resolve most issues. The restart will also provide updates the the cable box.

You will see the display read "OCAP" and "boot", followed by a reverse countdown reading "L-8" to "L-1". The entire process takes approximately 5+ minutes, and will interrupt any recordings in progress.

If you are still seeing an issue, please start a new question so we can assist,

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