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A few notes about posting

James_M Posts: 5,157 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
edited September 2020 in Community Instructions

Now that the community has been up for a few weeks, I wanted to add some tips on posting. The intention is to maintain a positive experience for all who participate and also provide a bit of guidance and clarity to members that may not be familiar with this format.

  • The Community is intended to be peer to peer support. Provide information that will help your peers troubleshoot your issue, while maintaining your own privacy. Do not post private information and do not use your phone number as a username.
  • We set up a new category called Community Follow-Up. There will be more information posted in that category soon. It is intended to be a "parking lot" for customers posts where we have reached out for more information.
  • We will reach out to you if we need more information about your post or question. Please do not message moderators and admins directly. Each moderator is not in the Community every day. If you have a question, post a new question or discussion.
  • Notifications from the community come from a mailbox called "Community Mailers" with the address no-reply-forums@charter.com. This mailbox is not monitored. Please do not reply to this mailbox. You will not get a response. If you have a question, post a new question or discussion.
  • Please search before posting. Searching the topic will help to determine if the topic has been started or has been discussed previously.

I am going to keep this post open for comments in case there are questions or if we need to add more guidelines.




  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,811 Contributor

    Thanks James!

    Good post for referencing. I will have to check out the Community Follow up section. What would be the difference between posting in Community Follow up verses just replying to a topic? That is the only question that I have about the new posting format.


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,157 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good post for referencing. I will have to check out the Community Follow up section. What would be the difference between posting in Community Follow up verses just replying to a topic? That is the only question that I have about the new posting format.

    Community Follow Up is a "parking lot" in that moderators move a post there when we reach out to assist a customer. It is not a category that would be used for posting, it just makes it easier for us. Once the issue is resolved, the post is moved back to the appropriate category or archived.

  • MartyADK
    MartyADK Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just turned to the El Rey network and found that it is no longer available. I am very disappointed! This was an excellent network with some very appealing content not found in other channels. I don’t know if feedback counts for anything, but I would strongly recommend that Spectrum try To negotiate again with El Rey. Too many channels are useless to me, El Rey is like PBS. Unique shows that give me good information that I can’t find elsewhere. Please work to bring El Rey back!

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,157 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @MartyADK ,

    There is a post already started on this topic:

    Why is the El Rey Network Gone?

This discussion has been closed.