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How to Post a Question

Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
If you have a question to ask the Community, you need to be a registered member and logged in.
Step by step:
- Start by selecting the “Ask a Question” button
- Select the category where you want the question to be place (ie. Connectivity for internet related questions)
- Create a question title, please be as specific as possible. For example, “email” is not a helpful title, but “Unable to send email on iPhone” gives a better description.
- Include specific descriptions and information such as when the issue started, a description of troubleshooting or things you have already tried, and any other relevant information in the body of the question.
- Add tags, if applicable.
- Select the “Ask Question” button to complete the post. You can also save the draft and finish later.
Your question will be posted in the public community and will be added in chronological order, so it will be at the top until a newer question is posted.
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