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What does the Reference Code WLP-4005 mean?

EmilyC Posts: 2 Spectator

I am using a iMac and going to the web page ( to watch) but keep getting Reference Code WLP-4005. I have logged out of spectrum, turned off my router and turned it back on, logged back in and it still does the same thing. This has been going on for a long time now (a year). I have asked tech support once and they said my Safari needed to be updated. Safari has been updated 3 times since they told me that. it still doesn't work. I can't get certain Chanels because they give me this code. Please help. there's no since in paying for a service that hasn't worked in so long.


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,041 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    WLP-4005 is an error code that the channel or programming is currently unavailable. Included a link to Common Error Codes that may be helpful for reference.

  • GoldFish
    GoldFish Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Try enabling DRM.

  • GoldFish
    GoldFish Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Your Device not handing the Digital Rights when enabled it puts back to the app to handle.

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