Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present

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I am getting ACF-9000 error - RESOLVED

Posts: 1 Newcomer

Iv'e unplugged the apple tv from the wall, but continue to get this error and cannot access spectrum. I have internet (obviously) and streaming from the tv is working. Just spectrum is not working through my apple tv box.

It's giving me a different error code (dge-1001) on my kindle and not loading there either!

I also can't get log in to spectrum on my laptop.


Best Answers


  • Posts: 147 Contributor

    From the posts I am seeing spectrum is having major outages on their apps tonight. Only thing you can do is wait until they fix it.

  • Posts: 169 Contributor

    Same here in iOS app in two different iPhones (iOS v12.4.9 and v14.2).

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