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Why can I no longer log in to my account?

For the past 6 months or so when I have tried to log in to my account I get an error message "We're sorry, something didn't work quite right. Please try again. IDCE-1013." and am unable to log in. I saw another unresolved query on the same topic in the forums. Is this a known issue? Has there been a resolution?
Best Answer
Hi @zwpete
If I am correct, Debian 9 is a Linux based OS. Unfortunately, Linux is not supported. I've included a link to System Requirements for Spectrum.net. Please try access your account on a supported device to rule out an issue with authentication. Thanks!
Good morning! Welcome to the community!
There are a number of reasons you may be seeing this. Can you tell us a little bit about what device you are using? If I am not mistaken this is an error that you would receive on a browser. Have you tried alternate browsers? Do you get an error message when logging into the app? Have you attempted to reset your password in troubleshooting this?
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Hello, I am using Firefox on Debian 9 when attempting to log in. I have not tried alternate browsers because Firefox is the browser I use. I don't have the app because the only thing I log in for is to pay my bill, and typing in credit card information on a tiny phone keyboard would be silly if I can use a computer. I have not attempted to reset my password because I am unable to log in to do so. Thanks!
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James_M advised: "If I am correct, Debian 9 is a Linux based OS. Unfortunately, Linux is not supported. I've included a link to System Requirements for Spectrum.net. Please try access your account on a supported device to rule out an issue with authentication. Thanks!"
This answer is incorrect. I have the same problem/error on Mac OS X 10.10.5 running Firefox, and just successfully logged into spectrum.net under Ubuntu Linux on a non-Intel-based system.
The problem is Spectrum's web developers' use of 3rd-party APIs that cross-link domains and are therefore blocked by common privacy and security tools. If you are running the Ghostery add-on or something similar you will need to disable it before accessing spectrum.net. Firefox's security/privacy settings at "Strict" may cause the same issues, but I have not verified that.