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Can I switch to Spectrum mobile using an iphone 7 purchased from ATT?

robosteak Posts: 1 Newcomer

Can I switch to Spectrum mobile using an iphone 7 purchased from ATT that is unlocked?



  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited November 2021

    Good morning!

    AT&T uses GSM mobile phone technology. Spectrum mobile runs on Verizon networks and uses CDMA technology, so the short answer is that your iPhone 7 is not compatible. In addition, iPhone 7 was introduced in 2016 and Apple typically supports devices for five years, meaning that the 7 will likely no longer be supported after 2021.

    I included a link to Spectrum Mobile, which includes pricing for plans as well as available devices.

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