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How is shared data billed with a multiple line account in the $14 per GB monthly plan?

If my account has 2 lines under the $14 per GB plan, what will my month's bill be if line #1 uses 1.4 GB and line #2 uses 0.4 GB of data? What if line #1 uses 0.5 GB while line #2 uses only 0.2?
Best Answers
Hello @oakvalley9
With the 2 lines, there would be 2GB allocated to the plan total for the devices to share. In both of the cases you mentioned, you would be billed $28 as neither situation would exceed the 2GB allocation.
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Hey @oakvalley9 ! No it won't. Check out https://mobile.spectrum.com/support/article/360000362908/plan-package-options and there it says...
"Please note that for all of these plans, data used on your home WiFi network is unlimited. Be sure to connect your mobile device to your home network, and then it won't count toward your Spectrum Mobile data use and won't be subject to reduced speeds."
So using wifi calling/use on your home network should not count against the mobile data plan. Hope that helps and if you have any other questions we would be glad to help.
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Hello @oakvalley9
Not at all. Connecting to WiFi service ensures that your mobile device is not using mobile data and does not count towards your monthly data allowance.
Will wi-fi data while at home count against my $14 GB data usage?