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Error Code IRDV-1000

DjR99 Posts: 3 Spectator

Why can't I manage my DVR from the iPad app. I get error code IRDV-1000.


  • Anthony_V
    Anthony_V Posts: 76 Spectrum Employee
    edited February 2022

    Hello and welcome to the Community!

    I have located your account using the email address you used to sign up on the Community. I apologize for any inconvenience two of the DVR boxes you have use the Spectrum Guide which is currently not able to be managed using the Spectrum TV app. The third DVR you have is currently running the ODN guide which can be managed using the Spectrum TV app.

    • Anthony
  • DjR99
    DjR99 Posts: 3 Spectator

    Is this going to be fixed? Removing a feature that I have been able to use for years doesn’t seem like an improvement in user experience and makes the app somewhat useless.

  • Paul_B
    Paul_B Posts: 577 Spectrum Employee

    Have you recently exchanged any of your boxes for new ones by chance? The only function you can perform on the boxes with the Spectrum Guide with the iPad app is to record a single episode or series. You would not be able to use the DVR Manager at all. I apologize.


  • Forevrlu
    Forevrlu Posts: 2 Spectator

    I have the same problem. I got a new DVR yesterday and I can’t access the DVR function on the app at all. This is unacceptable, especially with the prices we pay for service!

  • Forevrlu
    Forevrlu Posts: 2 Spectator

    I actually got a new dvr on Monday and the app worked but we exchanged it because the time display was unreadable. The one we got yesterday is now not letting me use the spectrum app without the error message

  • DjR99
    DjR99 Posts: 3 Spectator


    Why would features be removed? If you can't use the DVR Manager with the Spectrum Guide, then the Spectrum Guide is a PoS.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,858 Contributor

    On New Spectrum Guide,

    Can you still record from the Spectrum TV website after 48 hours have passed, which allow the DVR's with the older guides to sync with the online account?


  • JustBenj40
    JustBenj40 Posts: 2 Spectator

    How do we access the DVR Manager for the new boxes? Is this a glitch in the app?

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,378 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @JustBenj40 I'm sorry, Spectrum Guide DVRs are not currently able to be managed using the Spectrum TV app. You would need to manage it from the DVR itself.

  • JustBenj40
    JustBenj40 Posts: 2 Spectator

    @William_M In that case, how do you clear the DVR scheduled recording list of all shows (not just two or three weeks out)?

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,378 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @JustBenj40 I'm not aware of any single action to cancel all scheduled recordings. You can cancel individual recordings or series recordings by following the instructions at Spectrum Guide DVR: Recording.

This discussion has been closed.