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Cannot watch DVR recording - Error Code STBA-3305

Trying to watch a recording on my 210 DVR and I'm getting an error code STBA-3305. I have already rebooted my DVR and it didn't work. Every other recording works fine, it's just this specific one. Is there a way to fix this?
Hi @peeNunn2inc ! Welcome to our community!
I see there is a known issue causing some receivers to occasionally get this error. Unfortunately if rebooting did not help I'm not sure of any way to recover the recording. I recommend checking if that program is available on demand or schedule another recording for the next airing. If this problem becomes more frequent it may be worth having a technician come out to test the signals and/or replace the DVR.
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I have the same issue and read in this forum others have as well. There appears to be no resolution and the moderator’s responses not helpful at all. Isn’t this worth escalating and perhaps coming back with sound feedback?
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For this issue to get more detailed feedback.
1.) Does this problem occur only with one specific show or series recording? Or can it happen with any show? If it is a specific show, what is the show or channel causing this error?
2.) Does this problem occur randomly?
3.) What guide do you have? Google search, "What guide do I have?", Spectrum enter your zip code to see the guides for your area.
4.) What model box do you have?
5.) Can you reproduce the error? How often can you reproduce the error?
6.) Does reprogramming the same show or series solve the issue?
7.) Any other issues with the box? Audio? Video? Pixilation? On Demand?
8.) What is your zip code? This is so Spectrum can check for troubleshoot tickets for this problem in your area.
9.) Have you had your signals or drop line checked with a tech visit if this is occurring more than three times with the same show, series, or recording? Customers may want to consider a tech visit as @James_M suggested to check out these issues. if #9 is an issue. Users should than tune to the channel in question when the tech comes so that he can take a signal reading.
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- No it doesn't. It's happened on two shows so far.
- Yes.
- It's the new Spectrum guide.
- Spectrum 210
- No.
- No.
- Not really.
- 42420
- No.
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Hello @peeNunn2inc,
Thanks for the update answers. I would advise keeping a watch on the box at this time, and if those shows or stations develops a pattern of not recording, call Spectrum to arrange for a signal and drop line test. When the tech comes, tune to each of those stations on which the show appears so that he can take a signal reading on those channels.