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Why does OnDemand content have commercials?

The whole purpose of On Demand is so I can watch a show without commercials! I a. Trying to watch a show and you show more commercials than the show’s length. That’s ridiculous. On demand is useless if I have to watch your 10 ads every 5 minutes. I can understand if if I recorded something but on demand should be free of commercials.
Best Answer
I apologize for any frustration, the On Demand content is sent to us by the channel providers that do include these commercials. While this is generally not something we can control we will be happy to forward your feedback.
- Anthony
Yes to @Anthony_V 's response,
The station owners mandate those commercials and often the disabling of fast-forward as a condition for carriage. of On Demand.
The only way you can go commerical free in most cases is to subscribe to a premium channel, who's content automatically includes On Demand.