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Packet loss today after months of solid connection

PowellT Posts: 17 Participant

Hi, I am getting severe packet loss today, nothing has changed my end. Was good for months. Had problems in the past that resolved themselves after like 5 technician visits. Anyway to check if my area is having issues, besides asking if their is outage on the chat?




  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 860 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @PowellT

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing internet issues again. Any known issues in the area will show when you log in to your My Account online or through the My Spectrum app. Additionally, we can check for you on Twitter or Facebook as well.

    I was able to locate an account using the registration information for the forums, but I didn't see any known issues in the area. It looks like there were multiple modems in use on the account. Do you use one modem for the internet and the other for the home phone service, or do you have devices using both modems? If both modems are used for the internet, is the packet loss happening regardless of which modem you use for the connection?

  • PowellT
    PowellT Posts: 17 Participant

    Hey thanks for the response. No I typically use the surfboard modem, the spectrum modem I keep just in case for troubleshooting. Never on together :) I call in to get them to switch. Had another tech come today, unfortunately issue was not present at time he was here, so no answers yet. I think I have identified a pattern. Packet loss begins at around noon, then last till 6pm (~4% average PL over that time period) 0 packet loss all night! 2 days in a row. Does that ring any bells?

    Thank you!


  • PowellT
    PowellT Posts: 17 Participant

    And yes same results, with my equipment or spectrum equipment, wifi and hard wired, also same if I hard wire directly to modem skipping the router.

  • PowellT
    PowellT Posts: 17 Participant

    12 hour ping plot to, red starts at 12, done by 6pm, 5% pl

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,148 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thanks for the follow up. I am also seeing excessive T3 errors in the last 24 hours. We recommend another service call to address the issue.

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