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How do I record a series using cloud DVR on Roku TV?

I subscribe to Spectrum Essentials streaming package with cloud DVR, of which AMC is part of. Why is it that I cannot record the Walking Dead series. It is the only show that I cannot record. No option given. Only UPGRADE is listed. Upgrade to what?? A cable box?? Doesn't make sense and is stupid.
Hi and welcome!
Sorry for any issues. What device are you using to stream the app and attempting to record on cloudDVR? Also, are you trying to record the series or a single episode?
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I have a newer Roku TV. No option WHATSOEVER to record the series or episode. Just a button to UPGRADE. This is the only show that I know of that will not give the option to record.
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Thanks. Are you able to record other shows on the Roku TV? Have you tried using a different device, such as a laptop, smartphone or a tablet to schedule the recording? Recordings scheduled using a different device can be viewed on any device.
I've also include a couple links that you might find helpful: