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Reference Code : WLP-4005 when using Chromium on Raspberry PI

Trying to setup Raspberry PI 4 - 4Gig RAM to watch Live Spectrum TV (watch.spectrum.net).
I keep getting Channel Not Available Reference Code : WLP-4005.
This only happens on Raspberry PI, it works on my Macbook, Windows laptop, Roku, IOS and Android devices.
Is there something that Raspberry PI and Chromium does not support for Live Spectrum TV?
Does anyone have a solution to this?
Hello @balisong and welcome to the Spectrum Community!
I have checked into this error and it looks like it has something to do with Digital Rights Management. It is possible that the Raspberry Pi and Chromium do not have what is required to run SpectrumTV.com
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this post.
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Thanks Paul_B for the response.
This gave me what I needed to find and do to get Spectrum TV to work on Raspberry PI.
My findings:
So the requirement to get Spectrum TV to work on Raspberry Pi are :
- Raspberry Pi OS 32bit
- Install Widevine DRM - https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-widevine/
Currently, Widevine DRM does not work on Raspberry Pi OS 64bit.
Issue I found is streaming glitch, most likely due to streaming buffering.
Hope this help for others.