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Are the Dodger games available to watch on the Spectrum TV streaming or do I need a cablebox

Best Answer
Hello @bheup
The Dodgers games would be available on streaming, with the exception of any that may be part of Apple's exclusive streaming deal, such as this past Friday's game was. Those games would be noted on the Dodger's website under their schedule.
Not on my app. I live in Hawaii don’t get the Padres or Dodgers; I only get Angel games on the Spectrum TV app. We get all three on our Cable box, though.
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I do not get any of the games here in Southern California either Weeduncan. Hoping the moderator can elaborate on their response and let us know what channel on the Spectrum TV app that I would find them on?
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Generally speaking if you are at home using the Spectrum TV app you would be able to access your full channel lineup on the app that you do on the cable box. The channel numbers and names are the same between the box and the app. Once in a while there are some channels not available on the app but it is not common. You would need to make sure that the channels are filtered on the app to what you like such as A-Z by channel name or by channel number. If the channel is not showing at all it might not be available on the app if the channel shows grayed out it might be registering that you are not at home connected to the home internet so the full lineup would not show up.
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Why is it so hard to understand my question? I do NOT have a cable box. I only have Spectrum Streaming TV. I want to know do I have access to watch the Dodgers on your streaming app or do I have to switch to using a cable box for that? I switched from DISH to Spectrum Streaming TV because I thought I would be able to watch the Dodgers play. I pay for Spectrum Internet and SPectrum Streaming TV and yet I still am unable to view a dodger game...
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Sorry for any confustion. You can stream Dodgers games on Spectrum TV, however you do need to have a package that includes access to Sports programming. To add programming, please contact our sales team at 1-855-70-SPECTRUM (855-707-7328).