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Charter & Comcast are Teaming Up for a New Streaming Platform

James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

Charter and Comcast announced a joint venture to develop a new streaming platform “providing consumers with a world-class user experience and navigation, all the top apps, and more choice in the streaming marketplace.”

For the new platform, Comcast will license Flex, its current streaming platform and hardware, along with the free streaming service Xumo which the company acquired in 2020, and the retail business for XClass TVs

“Our new venture will bring a full-featured operating platform, new devices, and smart TVs with a robust app store providing a more streamlined and aggregated experience for the customer,” said Tom Rutledge, Charter Chairman and CEO. “As the video landscape continues to evolve, this venture will increase retail consumer options, compete at scale with established national platforms, and join our existing lineup of options for the Spectrum TV App available on most customer-owned streaming devices.”  

The Partnership Will Further Develop and Offer the Flex Streaming Platform that Includes a World-Class User Interface and Voice Search, and will be Available on 4K Streaming Devices and Smart TVs through Nationwide Retailers, Charter and Comcast

Joint Venture Provides App Developers, Retailers, Hardware Manufacturers New Opportunities to Reach Customers through a National Unified Experience

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