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Apple TV Screensaver interrupting live Spectrum TV

PurePresence Posts: 2 Spectator

This just started happening to me this week, which is strange when both the tvOS and Spectrum apps were updated at least a couple weeks ago. The screensaver kicks in while video content is playing. My screensaver is set to 2 minutes to preserve my OLED screen from static images, so this is highly annoying as it happens constantly. Screen saver should not ever kick in while content is playing. This should not happen, and it requires me to hit a button on my remote to restart the video.

Couple notes; I it seems to be inconsistent and is more likely to happen which some kind of semi-static image is present in the video feed, such as news channel logos which are ever-present on those channels. Also, I am not the only person who has noticed this bug; I posted a link to the MacRumors AppleTV forum where this is being discussed but Spectrum apparently does not allow this. You can find the topic there where it has the same subject line as this post.


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @PurePresence, welcome to our community!

    Will you please try reinstalling the app? There is also a setting if you go to Settings > General > Screensaver > Turn screen savers on or off during playback of music and podcasts. Could you try turning that off and see if the issue persists?

  • Nifft
    Nifft Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Did this help? The same thing is happening to us. Going to screen saver every 10 minutes or so while watching live tv CNN on the Spectrum app.

  • PurePresence
    PurePresence Posts: 2 Spectator

    Thanks William. I tried both solution ideas and neither fixed it. Screensaver came back over programming. Plus, turning off the screensaver during a static image condition like music and podcasts is not a long-term option for me as I use both on this device, and as I've described previously, I can't leave a static picture onscreen for too long before I get nervous. I already have some faint image retention or "burn in" on my OLED screen which was the top of market TV 5 years ago when I bought it. (and this appears to be from the channel logos which stick on the bottom of many cable channels, which is a pet peeve I have for the people that program and approve that. It's one reason I don't watch much cable programming. Music Choice channels are the worst, even when I would like to listen to the music - the entire screen is basically static. In this case, If you all considered running a slideshow or landscape videos or something on these while shifting the titles around, that would be so helpful)

    Sorry for going on a little rant here. It feels like a bug in either Spectrum's app, which in general I love as it's the best designed streaming app out there) or something Apple changed. I could try resetting the entire AppleTV to factory or something, but that's too much hassle. What I'm going to try now is a beta update of tvOS to 15.5 to see if that helps at all, as a temporary measure.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Do you have a separate screensaver setting for your OLED TV instead of the Apple TV? I have checked our Apple TV and the shortest screensaver setting is 15 minutes. I have set this and tuned to a news channel with a mostly static banner and have not been interrupted in over an hour. Some OLED TV's have their own screensaver options which detects static images on the screen rather than looking for app activity, it looks like LG has one which is 2 minutes by default.

  • dgenton
    dgenton Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same here. I have an AppleTV in every room, on every tv in my home. This just started last week and only happens on the Spectrum TV app. All other streaming applications work fine, but Spectrum must have put out an update recently that exposes this bug. I have seen it in the past on Spectrum but never has it lasted this long, and its been a very long time. Back then I upgraded the room's being interrupted by screen saver to the newest AppleTV 4k's and the problem went away, until now. For those of us using the app on Apple vs. Spectrum boxes, please look into this issue which no kidding, just happened again, I have to go grab my remote to get tv channel back from screen saver.... twice now while in this thread researching...


  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant
    edited May 2022

    This is happening to me as well. The AppleTV screen saver began turning on abruptly while using the Spectrum TV app. It does this with no warning and without a time consistency. Just seems to randomly occur. This began happening at the end of April 2022.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    What version of the app are you using? Also I spoke with our app team and they weren't aware of this particular issue, but they did mention that there was an issue with the "Are you still watching" message coming up constantly that was resolved by unplugging the HDMI cord for the Apple TV and plugging it back in. Are you able to try that as well?

  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant

    Spectrum TV App:

    Version 2.35 (4.40278773)

    Build Date 04/30/2022

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thank you! Did unplugging and reconnecting the HDMI cable have any change?

  • Jonny5ive
    Jonny5ive Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi. We are having the exact same issues in our household (4 Apple TV’s) as described by everyone above. I’ve also tried every fix suggested above without any success. I also have an OLED tv and an old plasma too. I have to agree with the others that it’s not feasible to have to turn off my screensaver in order to enjoy using an app. I also find it hard to believe that nobody at Spectrum is aware of this issue. It’s been going on for roughly the last month. It seems to happen more frequently on the channels that used to pixelate and/or freeze up a lot, like MTV. Now, instead of pixelating/freezing, the screensaver immediately pops on without giving the signal a chance to correct itself. The last straw for me was when this happened 7 times during the 1st period of today’s Blues’ Playoff Game. It completely killed the experience! Enough so that I am using this first intermission to report this problem. Please figure this out.

  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant
    edited May 2022

    Hey @Jonny5ive, @dgenton, @PurePresence, @Nifft,

    I spoke with @Renee_T yesterday through the spectrum customer support number. She opened a ticket with Spectrum TV technical support/engineering. So I definitely think posting here is the best chance we have to fix the issue.

    I gave all the information about my setup to her yesterday on the phone. This way the engineering team might be able to reproduce the problem. The more setup specifications they have, the better chance to reproduce the problem. That means the best chance of us getting a fix.

    Would you mind posting your setup specifications too? Mine is an older Apple TV 32GB. Cant remember the model right now but started with an A followed by numbers... So it should be like A#####. Then you can get the TVOS version by going into AppleTV settings. Finally grab the Spectrum TV app version by opening the app and going to the app settings.

    If we all give the specifications for our environments we have the best chance of Spectrum Engineering fixing the Spectrum TV app.

    Hope that everyone posts. Fingers crossed on a fix.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    SC9119 wrote: .

    Spectrum TV App:

    Version 2.35 (4.40278773)

    Build Date 04/30/2022

    The Spectrum TV for Apple TV was updated to version 2.35..1 (4.41048935) on 5/6/22. All users still experiencing an issue, please ensure the app is updated to the current verison. Please ensure that the screensaver is also off in settings. You may also need to restart the Apple TV device as well as the modem associated with your account.


  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant
    edited May 2022

    The Spectrum TV for Apple TV was updated to version 2.35..1 (4.41048935) on 5/6/22.

    Just downloaded the latest version:

    Version 2.35.1 (4.41048935)

    Build Date: 5/7/2022

    Fingers crossed this provides a fix. 🤞

  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant
    edited May 2022

    @James_M , @Renee_T ,

    ARRRRRGH!! Immediately no! Immediately no!!


    whatever the time stamp is between the last post and this post. That is how long the app lasted before abruptly having the saver show up!!!


    Also… Having customers disable the screen saver is not a solution!!


    tagging other customers with same issue…. @Jonny5ive@dgenton@PurePresence@Nifft

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited May 2022

    Sorry about that, can you delete and reinstall the app, as well as restart the Apple TV and the modem?


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Please update the app as well and let us know if the issue continues. Thanks!

  • HJHarris
    HJHarris Posts: 1 Newcomer

    You can add me to the list. Same symptoms started a day or two ago.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Can you make sure that you have updated the Spectrum App to version 2.35.1 ?


  • SC9119
    SC9119 Posts: 6 Participant

    Its been a few days since my last post. It has been a while since having the screensaver randomly popup while using the spectrum app. Potentially a fix was made. Not sure but its nice that it hasnt happened in a while. Thought Spectrum might be able to use the feedback.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    I'm glad to hear that the app isn't causing the screensaver to pop up anymore. Thanks for letting us know so we can keep our app team informed!

This discussion has been closed.