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Spectrum TV App Unusable on Apple TV

michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

Not only am I getting the ALP_1999 error but it's telling me I need to be connected to home internet to get my channels when I'm hardwired into the NEW router you just replaced. It also freezes and half the time wont even fully open. This issue has been ongoing for months now and in the past 2 weeks has made this app completely unusable on my apple tv. Why am I paying for a cable subscription I cant use? Yes, I have already restarted my modem, router and apple device DOZENS of times as well as uninstalled and reinstalled the app more times then I can count. I need a fix for this or a refund for services I've been paying for but not getting.


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @michaelpotter1181 ! Welcome to our community. Sorry for the trouble with our app.

    The ALP-1999 error is usually an indication of a problem with the internet service. Will you please run a speed test and share your results? Do you have any other devices you can test the app on?

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    There's nothing wrong with my internet. I'm getting 235mbps d/l and 11.47 upload with a ping of 7. None of my other apps on the device are having issues and they all stream 4k content perfectly. I have ZERO issues with the app on my Samsung S21 Ultra. Keeping in mind it's an Android device and not iOS. I also had a tech at my home last week to check my signals and connections and everything was fine. This is a clear issue with the app itself and if the evidence Ive been seeing in terms of complaints on your boards have a pattern then it's that this issue seems to be happening ONLY on Apple products.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    The errors are platform specific so it's true the ALP-1999 error or any others starting with ALP are only happening on Apple TVs, however we have an Apple TV here in the office which is working great so it definitely is not a problem with all Apple TVs.

    Did this problem start after you got the new router or before? Would you be able to connect your Apple TV straight into the modem, reboot the modem again, and once back online check if you are still getting the error?

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    It was happening before the new router but has been just as unusable now as before the router exchange. After connecting it directing to the modem and resetting both the modem and the Apple TV the app still gives me the ALP 1999 error and refuses to load any channels.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Does the error occur as soon as you open the app or a different point?

    Can you check for any software updates for your Apple TV?

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    Everything is up to date. Sometimes it opens and right away gives me the error and sometimes it takes maybe 5 min or less. It happens whenever I change channels as well along with telling me to get all my channels I should connect to my home internet when I'm hardwired directly to the router. Like I said earlier I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Spectrum app many many times already as well.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    After reinstalling the app did it ask you to sign in with your username and password or did it sign in you in automatically?

    Would you be able to try a factory reset on the Apple TV?

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    Seriously? A factory reset for just having an issue with your app?

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    That would be my recommendation, seeing as your internet is working fine, other devices can use the app without error, and we are not able to recreate these problems with Apple TVs on our end.

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    Did a factory reset on the Apple TV and reinstalled the Spectrum TV App and within 20min of watching it started giving me that error and all the other issues as well.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thanks for trying the reset.

    After the reset and reinstalling the app, did it prompt you to re-enter your account information or did it automatically log you in? Also, if you try to watch something On Demand as opposed to live TV, do you get the same error?

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    I had to re-enter my info. On demand will not work when the app gives me any errors or freezes or tells me I need to be on my home internet to get channels when I'm hardwired directly into the router with the device. All other apps on the Apple TV work perfectly. Only the Spectrum TV App is bugged and its bugged the same no matter which solution I've tried.

  • michaelpotter1181
    michaelpotter1181 Posts: 8 Spectator

    So should I assume from no further response that you dont know how to fix this and I should consider a more stable digital tv service?

  • Steph_S
    Steph_S Posts: 515 Spectrum Employee

    I am sorry for the delay in response @michaelpotter1181. I have run some further troubleshooting and seeing the device is showing some buffering events only on the one device. I am going to private message you from our Community_Help page to gather some further information regarding this issue.

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