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Since the last Spectrum App update, my last channel viewed is not working at all.

I'm having the same problem. I occurs with two different remotes I've tried. The back button ALWAYS goes back to channel 12 then channel 23. I've recycled router and modem and roku and cleared watch memory on spectrum.
The rewind button works fine elsewhere on spectrum and on other apps. Typical spectrum. The mini guide is worse but tolerable until it removed one of the functions of the remote.
Switching to on demand and using rewind then going back to live tv didn't solve the issue either. Using back button still reverts to channel 12 then channel 23. clearing memory didn't do it either.. cleared memory then reset router modem roku didn't help either.....
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Can you check for updates on the Roku. Please follow these steps:
- Press Home. on your Roku remote.
- Scroll and select Settings.
- Select System.
- Select System update. Note: The System update screen displays the current software and build version, along with the date and time of the latest update.
Please let me know if there is any change with this button working.
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Sofware version 11.0 build 4193-46
last update 05/05/22 9:20 am
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Just updated again. version 11 build 4193 Did NOT resolve the problem. Seems to forget the last ten channels, and reverts to the channel I watched yesterday or the day before. Hit back again.... another random channel.
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Ran the update, ran system restart. version 11.0.0 build 4193-46. Still the same probleml.
Rewind button works fine as rewind on demand and on other aps. Tried a brand new remote, had the same problem. I have another tv that uses the simple remote (no volume or streaming channel buttons on the remote.) The back button works fine there, takes to last channel viewed.
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Thanks. Can you try restarting the Roku from the settings menu?
You can restart your Roku from the Settings menu:
- From the Home menu, scroll down to the Settings menu.
- Select the Settings menu by pressing OK on the remote. Select Settings. ...
- Scroll down to select the System option.
- Press OK on your remote to open the menu. ...
- Select Power and then choose System restart. ...
- Choose Restart.
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I've done that. First time, restart modem, router, roku, clear viewing history. No change, back to channel
Ran roku system update, resart roku. Same problem. I've followed the thread with Roku user Chet and Moderator William and followed all those instructions as well. Still no change, except for two clicks of the back button, we get two different channels at random, then back to 23 and I8.
How I get to restart... from Home, go UP one, which lands you on network, now UP one to system, which lands on about and UP four to system restart. I've done it so many times now with this problem I no loner look at the screen.
Thanks for trying, any other standard responses we should try?
version 11.0.0 build 4193-46.
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What model Roku do you have?
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I fixed it !!! Re paired the remote. Followed the steps with the old remote as if I was pairing a new remote. That seems to have cleared the memory of the odd channels the back button would revert to.
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Fantastic. Thanks for letting us know.
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The last week or so, the message do you want to continue watching spectrum coming up, clicking ok now CLOSES spectrum.
Version 11.00 / build 4193-46
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It came back, or didn't actually come back, went back to FOURTH channel viewed. Noticed the quick guide was 2 1/2 to 3 hours behind as well. Tolerated it for a few days, ran new update available, recycled ROKU. Last channel now pulls last channel not fourth. Quick guide was still off by half an hour, but thats not having as much an issue with viewing. Rather nice how clicking on a show coming up in two hours goes directly to on the show's available listing, now if it wouldn't happen while on the current time. Required maneuvering back to live tv.
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I'm sorry to hear the issue is happening again. Has the app updated recently?
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Roku/spectrum live tv----right side quick guide. 8 minutes left on a show. say 5:52 click on the show, it opens the 6 am show.
How long is spectrum going to be tweeking the quick guide? For two weeks it opened 2 1/2 to 3 hours earlier than the current time and trying to open the show would bring you to the shows page, with episode option. then you have to exit and do it all over.
Now it will not open the show thats on if there is only a few minutes left. I want to open that channel to see the end of the show.
Roku spectrum ver 11.00- build 4193-46
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updated it on another thread sorry. There were no more updates. lived with it for a week, then checked again, ran the update and restarted ROKU. last back channel is working now. no more fourth last channel. It seems the ongoing changes to the quick guide are causing it. quick guide was pulling up 3 hours old schedule. Now will not open current show if say 8 minutes left, it defaults to the next time slot program and therefore the episode screen and on demand not live tv. opened a new question on that one.
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Hi @transplantwest. I see you also posted at roku continue watching spectrum click ok closes spectrum and live tv quick guide defaults to next show, will not open current selection. Roku spectrum ver 11.00-, but I will reply to you here for consolidation since it seems all these problems are all related to your Roku.
I am not still not able to recreate any of these problems with the Rokus I have tested. Last channel continues to function correctly. I just tested selecting a channel from the mini guide with 5 minutes and then 3 minutes left of the current program and it just changes to that channel showing what is currently live. No problem with the full guide either. I have left my Roku on until I got the continue watching prompt and was able to close it with okay.
At this point it seems like these problems are specific to just your Roku. I recommend trying a factory reset and/or testing a different Roku with a different remote.
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When message comes up "continue watching spectrum?" clicking OK... closes spectrum app
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the last channel issue got fixed with the last update. Thanks for reponding. I'll provide update on the still watching message closing the app and cant open current show with short time left on mini guide. Odd how so much gets blamed on roku when it works perfectly on every other app.
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AND worked fine until the mini guide got moved
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I have to agree with Transplantwest, the Roku was working perfectly before the last update. I had the same exact issues, called tech support last weekend, and we tried several options to resolve which included removing and reinstalling the spectrum app, rebooting the router, etc, etc. After an hour or so of troubleshooting, no remedy fixed the issue. I will say the new update does provide a better interface to access the mini-guide to the full guide transition. I also noticed that when a new show starts, the name automatically appears across the top left corner of the screen without any user input.
To clarify the continued watching spectrum message, let's say you turn your TV off and then turn it on again a short time later, let's say 5 min or 2 hours later. You would get a message asking, do you want to continue watching? As long as you pressed OK, the last station viewed would begin streaming with no further input. However, with the update, when you pushed ok it would close the Spectrum App entirely.
Quick update I now have software build 7.7.1 build date 06-06-2022 and this build appears to have fixed the aforementioned issues.
On the next build please, incorporate the ability to pause and rewind live TV, not having this feature is EXTREMELY frustrating, especially during the current broadcasting of the NBA finals. It sure would be nice to have pause and rewind live TV before the NFL season starts again. If the Direct TV Stream App can provide this functionality, I'm sure Spectrum TV app should be able to do the same as well.
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With the last build,, when I open the quick guide, it sometimes opens on past time. In other words it's 5:19 am I open the quick guide see what's on, go to channel hit ok. It opens the show that was on from 4-5 am. Hit ok and am offered the "shows" screen containing episode choice an on demand. Scroll right, see it's 5:19 am and shows that start at 5. backspace out of quick guide, go back in.... and it pulls up correct time.
The moderator who responded to me cannot replicate the problem and passed the buck it's Roku, but isn't spectrum the on building THEIR app, making these changes?
Also when the time is off on the guide and there is 8 minutes left on a show, it will not let me select that show, it defaults to the next scheduled one and the "shows" screen with the episodes option..... UGH... they can't replicate that either...
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@transplantwest It is our app, but that does not mean every problem you encounter while using it is a problem with the app itself or a result of something we changed. In order to report any app issues to our engineers I would need to be able to replicate the issue, or at least have multiple different examples of customers with the exact same problem. I tested many Rokus of various models without issue. If it is a problem with the app itself it is one that is not affecting all customers, it might be a problem with a specific line of Roku, certain markets, or other variables that we need more examples to identify any commonalities. We would also need to exhaust all available troubleshooting options before escalation. Calibroker indicated an update fixed the app closing, I recommend updating and if that or the other issues persist please try a factory reset. I definitely understand why this would be frustrating and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
@calibroker Live TV shows you a live feed of what is currently airing. In order to pause or rewind the content you have watched would need to be downloaded and stored on your device. Many devices which can use the app do not have sufficient storage space and it is also not possible due to redistribution rights and contact agreements with the networks. We do offer Cloud DVR service, which will save programs to a server that you can view at your convenience including the capability to pause or rewind, or you can just watch shows on demand which will work like most other streaming services.
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Before the quick guide was moved to the right, clicking OK closed the message onscreen. Click the right button (the one to go right to the quick guide) to the right of the OK button. That will close the message WITHOUT closing the app.
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@transplantwest I didn’t have any of the guide issues you’ve been experiencing since the update so I can’t comment. However, I’m experiencing an issue with my recordings on the Cloud DVR service playback. When you select one of the recordings to watch, it starts and during playback, the recording randomly stops and goes back to the DVR recordings page. The Spectrum tech that I spoke with last Saturday informed me that this is a known issue that’s being pursued and still exists with the latest update.
@William_M As mentioned above I do have the Cloud DVR service which does what it's supposed to do. However, still far from perfect especially when you set it to record a series like Formula One it continues to miss some of the practice sessions and pre-race shows or F1 races period. I have to continuously check the guide to not miss any of the races. A missing feature is when you play back any of the recordings you do not get any thumbnails during fast forward or rewind so you just have to guess.
I was watching the NBA game tonight on a friend's Roku TV that has the Direct TV Stream app service and the live broadcast was not being downloaded. We were able to pause, rewind and fast-forward the live broadcast if needed without any external peripherals attached. If I were able to post pictures to this post I would share screenshots. I’m not here to bad-mouth the Spectrum App only providing honest feedback and hoping that the missing live TV features will eventually be added. If you have access to the Direct TV Stream app load it and test it out for yourself you will see exactly what I’m talking about and see the shortfalls of the Spectrum App firsthand. If I find some time I may even do a quick video of both apps and post it to YouTube for comparison.
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I'm viewing spectrum app with roku. no dvr. sorry.
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See if this helps.
I used the right arrow button to see the quick guide tonight at 10:00 pm. it pulls up 3:30 pm which is the last time I changed the channel. Having. answered the " continue watching spectrum?" with the right arrow button (which changed from "OK" which now exits spectrum, since the last update) multiple times, staying on the same channel for a few hours to further prove prior post.
Before this update the quick guide interfaced with what was actually on now, you could catch the last ten minutes of a show. Now, right arrow, then right arrow again, either right arrow until you catch up to the time, or left arrow on upper left of remote (back one) which returns you to the currently playing show, THEN right arrow for quick guide on the current time.
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@transplantwest When I press right for the quick guide it always takes me straight to the current time. I checked at 3:25 AM and the guide opened at the 3:00 AM timeslot. I selected a show that was airing 3:00-3:30 AM and it is showing me the last 5 minutes of that show. I recommend doing a factory reset on your Roku or trying a different Roku.
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Stay on the same channel for a while, then try it.