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How to set up a Spectrum email account

Is email automatically available to everyone who has spectrum internet? I've had internet service for 4-5 years and I just recently found out there's a supposed @twc.com email address for spectrum customers. If true how does one initially set email up? I've tried the self care instructions from a prior question but my login credentials don't work. I Can log in to spectrum.net with the same credentials but when I put them in to the self care login portal it doesn't work & says I have no account. How do I get a twc.com email????
Best Answer
Hello @KaciLSmith. Welcome to the Community!
Yes, Spectrum internet customers do have access to Spectrum.net or Charter.net email service. If you haven't created your inbox yet you can find step by step instructions on how to create a Spectrum email account on our website at https://www.spectrum.net/support/internet/create-spectrum-email-account.