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Why did I get an email and SMS text notifcation from Spectrum?

I received both text and email with my detailed account info including the last 4 digits of my account number and home address from myaccount@spectrumemails.com. Did anyone else experience this?
Best Answers
Hello. We do send out text/emails based on how your contact preferences are set up. You can log into Spectrum.net to confirm how your contact preferences are set.
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Thanks for the reply. Yes, this is a legitimate notificaiton. Sorry if it caused any concern or confusion.
I was able to locate your account based on your registration information. I am seeing that preventative maintenance was done recently in your area, and this notification is regarding a signal level that is slightly out of range (upstream tx level). From what I am seeing, the impact is minimal, and likely not noticable. It would be more noticable with something like live tv streaming or online gaming. This is usually caused by a loose connection outside the home and can get worse with fluctuations in the weather, either extreme heat or extreme cold.
If you like, you can schedule an appointment at your convenience. If you prefer, you can also wait since it is currently not having a noticeable impact.
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Good morning -
That is a legitimate email advising you of some issues we have detected with your service. I would recommend calling the number indicated to get an appointment scheduled.
Sorry but your response does not answer my question. My account is set so I receive emails but not text. It's concerning that entity outside of Spectrum is sending me both email and text with verifiable information that's only available to Spectrum and myself such as my phone number, home address and last 4 digits of account number. I would appreciate if you can escalate this matter to find out how they got my information.
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I'm asking this second time since I did not get a straight answer but a generic response and also the response from the moderator is now appearing as accepted even when I did not click it as acceptable answer. Moderator did not read my question correctly and responded with generic response for account setting.
I received both phishing text and email with my detailed account info including 4 digits of my account number and home address from email address of myaccount@spectrumemails.com. Upon quick research on google, this email is not related to Spectrum and I am not the only one with this issue.
It's concerning that entity or individual outside of Spectrum is sending me both email and text with verifiable information that's should be only available to Spectrum and myself such as my phone number, home address and last 4 digits of account number. I would appreciate if you can escalate this matter to find out how they got hold my information. If I need to post this on different section of the forum, please let me know.
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Hi, I believe there may be some confusion. The response was marked answered because myaccount@spectrumemails.com is a valid email address. Notifications from this email was not the result of a data breach. We will send proactive emails and/or SMS texts to alert you to different account related information, including planned maintenance and outages. Below is a screen shot with an example that was recently sent to a test account regarding 10 digit mobile dialing. I personally received a notification on Saturday when there was a service interuption in my area.
The purpose of the notifications is to keep you informed.
If you do not want to recieve notifications., you can log into Spectrum.net to confirm your contact preferences.
Thanks for the question!
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Thank you for the explanation. Can you verify below is legit? I have not had any issues with my service and I received below email.
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Good morning @mangoman75. Yes, that email is legitimate. We are being proactive and letting you know we detected some issues that affect your services. If you would like for us to come and take a look/fix, just give us a call at the number provided or we can private message you here and set it up for you. Just let me know what you would prefer and we move forward from there.