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Unable to record Hallmark movies on DVR

We tried to restart dvr and deleted all our old recordings. It said recording but would not show up on list. When looked at under manage recording it had a weird date
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Welcome to the forum @BShort!
Do you mean Hallmark Movies Channel, Hallmark Drama Channel, or regular Hallmark Channel?. On one of the program guides (ODN) cover art, and the ability to record shows is missing from trying to record content on Hallmark Drama Channel. when Info is pressed when selecting Hallmark Drama Channel shows from the ODN Guide Time Grid.. Hallmark Drama Channel shows do not show up in the B-button search results. It has been that way ever since Spectrum added Hallmark Drama Channel to the ODN guide boxes. This is a confirmed search database bug.
The only way to record Hallmark Drama Channel on ODN guide is to select a show from the TIme Grid Cells.
@BShort Google Search "What Guide do I have?", Spectrum and on the first result, enter the name of your guide. What box do you have? Also, what @Renee_T asked is important. Any error messages or does it just not record the shows?
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I am have the exact same problem, it saids it is recording has red circele beside it and everything. Only happend when I had to switch my box out and it cam with the new Specturm guide. I am still on legacey/TWC pricing and plan my old box had the ODN guide.
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Just for clarification,
Are we talking about the Hallmark Movies Channel not able to record to the DVR, using Spectrum Guide software on the box?
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I am having this exact same issue! It’s with Hallmark Movie Channel movies. Using the spectrum guide on the box.
it allows me to the schedule the recording. It shows a red dot. It even says recording during the movie on the box however when I go to the DVR the recording doesn’t exist. I record hallmark movies all the time and have only had the issue for the last couple weeks now.
there is plenty of space of my DVR and I have already tried to reset my box.
how do we fix this issue?
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I agree with @Renee_T to check and see that other channels are recording as they should. Moderators who have Spectrum Guide on their boxes should set up some recordings on Hallmark Movie Channel to see if they record or not. This will help to see if this is a local issue or global.
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Hello everyone yes it is JUST the Hallmark Channel NOT the Hallmark Movies & Mystery channel just the regular Hallmark Channel. All other channels for me at least record movies fine. I agree with Satch that the Moderator need to try and record a new movie on the Hallmark channel. It is wired it just happens with brand new 2022 movies old movie on the Hallmark channel record fine.
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Hi All,
OK, so @stelse is having trouble recording movies recorded to DVR on Hallmark Movie Channel and @bluebook is having trouble with only brand new 2022 movies recorded to DVR on Hallmark Channel. But both cases, it is with Spectrum Guide. What are the zip codes for you guys? That could help in testing.
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Same exact issue in the 28270 zip code. When I set to record a Hallmark movie from the Spectrum Guide it will not record. There was a new movie in June I tried to record 3 different airings and it never recorded. Also happened last week. Other shows on any other channels record with no issues. Plenty of room on DVR.
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It sounds like both issues with Hallmark Channel not recording movies in 2022 and Hallmark Movie Channel not recording movies at all on DVR's running Spectrum Guide started about 2-3 weeks ago, right? In other words, it was not always like this?
For the Hallmark Channel issue, not recording movies in 2022, in the description for 2022 movies on Hallmark Channel, is there a "New" in the description of the movie?
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I am looking at the Spectrum guide for 7/23 at 0800 p. m. when there is a new movie on Hallmark but it does not denote that on the guide. This issue started in June for me. I have never had issues with recording prior to a few weeks ago.
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In this thread, I think it would help to write down the names and times of some movies that mods could test. They could use the search system on Spectrum Guide to find the films and set up the recordings for data collection. Problems to test:
1.) Any movies on Hallmark Movie Channel DVR'ed on Spectrum Guide that will not record.
2.) Any 2022 movies on Hallmark channel DVR'ed on Spectrum Guide that will not record.
I am sensing a bad Spectrum Guide Software Update here.
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Zip is 53717 and everything described thus far matches my problem (new showings are blocked, red dot shows recording but DVR blank). Have tried recording on HD channel & regular Hallmark. Nothing. They will record on next showing date (usually Sunday at 5:00pm). Just started in July. Chatted with Spectrum rep today. We think it is a Hallmark restriction since Spectrum just receives the service. Perhaps Hallmark wants higher viewer ratings?
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Another idea,
If you are not running Spectrum Guide, such as the ODN Guide or I-Guide, you can always test 2022 movies on Hallmark Channel or any movies on Hallmark Movie Channel to see if they record with the older guide software.. To find out what guide you have:
1.) Google Search, "What guide do I have?", Spectrum
2) Click on the search results.
3.) Enter your address and zip code.
4.) Search for your guide that is found for your area.
5.) Report by giving the name of the movie or show you tried to record, whether or not it recorded successfully. and the type of guide that you have on your box.
Tip- There should be only two types of programing that are not recordable. If you have a DVR, authorized to your account, all should record, except:
A.) Channels you do not have in your package.
B.) On-Demand content can never be recorded.
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Satch….where do we report? I already called tech support twice. I have Spectrum guide and, as an example, Hallmark’s Campfire Christmas on 7/16, 7pm CT did not record. As stated, showed up in scheduled, red dot on screen, nothing recorded.
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Sup @Vista?
You report by replying here on the forums. The mods collect the data based on the user feedback to the issue, and will respond when they have an update on this topic. Data collection takes time as well as testing. But there seems to be a lot of people with Hallmark Movie Channel not recording any movies on Spectrum Guide and some people saying that Hallmark Channel is not recording movies with a year date of 2022..
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“Campfire Christmas” is available on demand so, based on all of @Vista 's diligence, it sounds like “Hallmark Channel” movie premieres as well as movies available on demand fail to record on “Spectrum Guide” DVR receivers despite false-positive indications. I’m planning to determine whether these also occur with “i-Guide” DVR receivers which, being schedule-dependent, will take me until Sunday night.
Anyway, for the time being at least, if a “Hallmark Channel” movie fails to record, look for it in the on-demand menu. If it’s not there either, it may have been a premiere, in which case, look for & try the next “encore” airing of it and/or check for on-demand availability a week or two later.
To whatever extent this may also apply to “Hallmark Movies & Mysteries”, the classic “Hallmark Channel” is confoundingly apparently the only one of Hallmark’s “linear” channels under which movies are on-demand menu-channelized.
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Update: "Campfire Christmas" - which i watched part of via on-demand yesterday - has since been removed from on-demand availability. Thus i speculate its real-time repeat presentations coming up on Friday & Sunday et c. SHOULD record properly. Now let's see what happens with the real-time premiere presentation of "Christmas in Toyland" on Saturday! Maybe this whole thing will be fixed by then. Regardless, all of @Vista 's pro-action seems to be getting some results!
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Sup Everyone?
I have a Cisco 9865 DVR running the ODN guide software. I have not done any tests for "Hallmark Movie Channel" recordings or Hallmark Channel premire films with a 2022 date failing to record. But if anyone wants to test feel free to do so as this will help! Make sure you indicate your guide software when posting the test results.
The only bug that I know on ODN is that Hallmark Drama Channel shows are not in the search database. If a B-button or magnifying glass keyboard search is done using your remote there are no Hallmark Drama Channel listings. Pressing Info when browsing through the Hallmark Drama Channel Time Grid Cells on ODN shows no cover art or program information. Is this the same on I-Guide or Spectrum Guide? On ODN, you can only record Hallmark Drama Channel content through navigating the time grid cells.
What about recordings on Hallmark Drama Channel on Spectrum Guide? Do they playback or not? By design, it is not possible to DVR any On Demand content, so that is off the table for any of the guides. But on ODN, for Hallmark Drama Channel, sometimes, if you press info the show that has no cover art or program information will show full information. Let's use Little House on the Prairie as an example.
Since LHOTP also shows up on Cozi TV and Inspiration Network, sometimes if you press info for Hallmark Drama Channel on ODN instead of the missing cover art and inability to record, it will show the episode for LHOTP on one of the other stations listed with full record and listing options.
Anyway, see if you can record Hallmark Drama Channel content if your box is running Spectrum Guide. If you can't, than I strongly suspect that Hallmark may be flagging its content and may intentionally not want it to be DVR'ed. If you can record on Hallmark Drama Channel, than we could be back to some sort of listing guide bug reguarding Spectrum Guide and some Hallmark Channel content.
I know that sometimes, producers of live PPV events can flag (make it not possible) to record purchased PPV live events. This could be something that Hallmark is doing with its content. This is a great thread! Keep the feedback coming!
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One last update for posterity on this matter: i think i’ve determined how to tell if ANY movie is actually going to record on my “i-Guide” DVR receiver regardless of any positive indications & i’ve done enough spot-checking to believe that any currently recording-schedulable real-time presentations of ANY 2022 “Hallmark Channel” movies are NOT going to record whereas any from prior to 2022, will. I can tell by whether they subsequently show up in the “FUTURE RECORDINGS” list.
I still speculate that it may have something to do with movies being unrecordable until after they’ve completed some kind of current or imminently planned on-demand availability cycle. Pure speculation but this issue plus the fact that Spectrum has yet to float the real-time schedule reminders functionality up into the user interface of the “Spectrum Guide” receivers has me feeling an industrial nudge towards on-demand viewing & away from real-time viewing.
Since my last update i’ve discovered that “Campfire Christmas” is still available on demand via my i-Guide receiver even though it recently disappeared from on-demand availability via the online web-app guide. There are 63 “Hallmark Channel” movies (sans “Campfire Christmas”) available on demand via the web-app guide versus 59 (including “Campfire Christmas”) via i-Guide. I’m not going to reboot my i-Guide receiver to find out if that will square things up because it takes hours for my i-Guide to update to any useful extent and days to update completely.
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Good Morning @HT_Greenfield,
If it is true that any Hallmark movies on any Hallmark Channel 2022 or later are not recording on your I-Guide or Spectrum Guide receivers, I feel your speculative assessment of waiting for them to cycle through On Demand could be a decision made by Hallmark on all its channels. Especially, if prior to 2022, all shows are recording fine. We could do a check if this applies to ODN. If all three guides can't record Hallmark's content, (from 2022), than strong speculation that Hallmark does not want new content recorded until it passes through its first-run On Demand cycles.
However, all subs, regardless of guide software platform, should be able to record any content prior to 2022 on any Hallmark Channels.
If your theory is correct about the 2022 content not being recordable on any of the guides, I suspect that this is a Hallmark programing decision and not a Spectrum guide software problem.
If Spectrum was to reach out to Hallmark, would the level 1 tier people at Hallmark know what we were talking about? I say unlikely. This would have to go up the chain of command. It also raises a question of how many other TV vendors may be having this same issue?
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Our video team is aware of this issue and is currently investigating. We will provide an update when more information becomes available. Unfortuately, there is not an estimated time for this issue to be resolved.
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Regardless of which real-time-scheduled Hallmark titles may have been simultaneously available on demand at any given time, “Campfire Christmas” recently disappeared from on-demand availability and “Fashionably Yours” (“Hallmark Channel,” Aug. 3rd) is the only one currently remaining. I’ll see if “Campfire Christmas” records tomorrow on my i-Guide DVR receiver. I’ll keep an eye on what happens with on-demand availability & real-time scheduling of “Fashionably Yours.” I’ll see if the premiere of “Christmas in Toyland” records &, if it fails to, whether one or another of its subsequent airings does & i'll keep an eye on whether it eventually becomes available on demand.
I was wrong about scheduled recordings that fail to appear in the i-Guide receiver DVR “FUTURE RECORDINGS” list having anything to do with whether they’ll record. It doesn’t & thus this was never about *all* 2022 Christmas titles. Also, my “Spectrum Guide” receiver is non-DVR & i never implied that i was looking at any of this on it.
My compliments to @Vista & @Satch & @James_M et al for keeping it real & i apologize for my own failure to do so. Merry Hallmark Christmas in July to all!
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Thanks James for the update. Not sure if you are Team Spectrum or Team Hallmark but, either way, a solution will be most appreciated. I reached out to Crown Media via email to see if they could explain. . Got the auto-reply that thanked me & they would respond. That was 4 days ago so still hopeful. My DVR shows tonight’s movie as scheduled so we will see.
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Vista again, with an update, Saturday 7:50pm CT. The premiere movie, Christmas in Toyland, is actually being recorded by the DVR! Just got a call from home that they can see it listed as a recording & playback was working. A sincere thank you to whoever flipped the right switch!