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Technical Posts: 6 Participant

I've been having a consistent problem with my DVR and the Error Code STBH-3305 for the past few weeks I've been with Spectrum. When going to watch a particular show on my DVR it shows an error code STBH-3305 and tells me to call Spectrum if the problem persists. I called Spectrum and was told that it is a "known problem" and they're working on it. I've researched this code without success but an error code for STBA-3305 comes up which seems similar. This particular "known problem" is from an unresolved issue in a previous post from 2021. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answers

  • Technical
    Technical Posts: 6 Participant
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓

    Yes, numerous times. I also have gone into Settings & Support, Account Overview, Equipment Info and reset data before setting the recording for Big Brother on CBS just as a precaution but to no avail. This happens randomly to different stations and shows. It's happened at least 7 times since I joined Spectrum two or three weeks ago.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for verifying. Unfortunately I'm not seeing any other suggested troubleshooting to resolve this issue. While it is a known problem, it sounds like you are seeing it more often than is expected. I recommend exchanging the DVR at a Spectrum store. Please note any recorded content will be lost.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,841 Contributor


    What is the name of the show/channel that throws up the error message? What is your zip code? It is good that they know about the problem, so it's not you or your equipment. It is something on their network.


  • Technical
    Technical Posts: 6 Participant

    It's happened on several random channels like TLC, CBS, Bravo. I don't remember the others. My zip code is 11209. Thank you for responding.

  • Heather_T
    Heather_T Posts: 121 Contributor

    Hello @Technical. I'm sorry you're having trouble with the DVR, I can definitely understand how frustrating that must be. That particular error code typically relates to an issue with playback recordings on the DVR. Just to confirm, is this happening on recorded shows or when trying to watch live TV on these channels?


  • Technical
    Technical Posts: 6 Participant

    Hello Heather_T. It's happening on my recorded shows. For example, last night I taped Big Brother on CBS. I didn't want to have any problem with this issue so I made sure that no other shows were recording at the same time and that the TV was off so there wouldn't be any interference with recording my show. Regardless, I got the error code again.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,184 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thanks for the reply. Have you tried restarting the cable box?

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,841 Contributor


    I agree with @William_M. But before you swap out the box, get a tech out to check your signals and drop line first. (Just to see that they are good.) You don't want to get a new box and have the same problems!

    It is important to note that a box swap won't solve signal or line problems. Spectrum Guide can be more sensitive to signal issues, If the tech says lines and wiring are good, than he will exchange your box.


  • Technical
    Technical Posts: 6 Participant

    Already swapped the box this morning after previous conversations. We'll see if it happens with this next one. I'll keep you posted

  • Randy_S
    Randy_S Posts: 514 Spectrum Employee

    @Technical thank you for letting us know. Please also let us know if the issue continues or if we can help with anything else. We have plenty of categories to cover any kind of issue or question you may have.


  • Technical
    Technical Posts: 6 Participant

    Good news! I haven't had any problems with the DVR replacement. I tested it by recording numerous shows, watching live TV even streaming a show while recording and there wasn't a problem with any of the recordings. If anything transpires I will come back to this thread but I really don't anticipate a problem. Thank you for all your responses.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    We're glad to hear things are working with the replacement! Please let us know if the issues come back, but otherwise, happy watching!

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