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Error ALP-1001

I’ve been getting this error code recently. And today it’s been on most of the channels I watch. Especially the live sports channels.
this didn’t happen prior to about three weeks ago.
so what is this error?
Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community.
The error message you are getting is a general error. Can you try to reset the modem and router by unplugging the modem power cord and coax cord and router power cord for 30 seconds then plug them back in to see if that helps?
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powering down the modem did not quite solve all the issues.
channels are still pausing for a minute to 5 min still.
not sure why it is still happening.
error not showing. Ur symptoms still exist.
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Sill not working. Still getting error ALP-1001
especially on sports channels.
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I apologize for the frustration. There is an ongoing issue with the app currently, but our app team is working to get the app fully functional again as quickly as possible, though we haven't been provided an ETA for the functionality to be fully restored.
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Still happening especially during live sports
so what gives?
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Do you have any other devices you can test to see if they have the same issue? Will you please run a speed test where you normally use the app and share your results?