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Spam Increase from Charter email addresses

JeffH12 Posts: 5 Participant

I've been receiving more and more spam from Charter email addresses to my charter email address.

All subjects/from are misspelled or strung along with _ so can't really use any filters:



Any suggestions?


Best Answer

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,852 Contributor
    edited October 2022 Answer βœ“

    Hello @JeffH12

    Welcome to our forum! While Spectrum does an amazing job of CATV, Voice, Mobile, and Internet service, their email protocals are really based off of the old TWC/Brighthouse Networks mail systems from many years ago. Cable email is provided as a general courtesy to subscribers. But the thing is, I would really recommend a back up email provider to stop the spam. Web Mail is so much better than ISP-based email systems, because web-mail is constantly updated, has better security, and less spam in your inbox.

    Best thing about webmail, it is free to use for the rest of your life on any device with an Internet connection and a web-browser. Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and Outlook.com are excellent and modern-based. Additionally, Gmail includes Google Drive, with web-storage and a free modern Office Suite. The same with Outlook.com, which also gives you a free Microsoft Office online account.

    I recommend a web blocker to stop the email ads if you don't already have one in your web browser(s). Check out Ghostery,

    You can still keep your Spectrum email. But have one of the free providers mentioned above for correspondence needing more secure protocols. (such as banking, shopping, or medical communications)



  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 954 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    Don’t be fooled by possibly spoofed β€œfrom”/β€œreturn” email addresses. In the Spectrum email web app, select the spam message and click on the View Header toolbar function. The last or second to last line or paragraph, down, that begins with β€œReceived: from β€œ (i.e. the first or second one up from the beginning of the source code of the message itself) in the header will contain the domain & IP address of the origination SMTP (or ESTMP or CMSMTP) server. If that domain doesn’t end with charter.net or twc.com or brighthouse.com, then it didn’t come from a Charter Spectrum email account.Β 

    Mark (i.e. flag) spam messages as spam. Spectrum's guidance, here, includes β€œβ€’ Spectrum email has a built-in spam filtering system. All emails flagged and moved to the spam folder will be automatically reported to help refine our filtering system. … β€œ.Β 


    My bad for offering another opinion but there are no protocol distinctions between any email providers that i know of. They all provide HTTPS webmail and they all provide IMAP & SMTP for email apps if you prefer such, as far as i know. The big-time freebies tend to come with ads & promos and they’re far from immune to spam. Any new email address with any provider will tend to be less prone to spam because it takes a while for the address to leak out to spam hawks. Spam experience with any email account tends to evolve based on what all it’s used for and how long it’s been used.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 954 Contributor

    You can always check to make sure that the β€œfrom”/β€œreturn” email address hasn’t been spoofed. In the Spectrum email web app, select the spam message and click on the View Header toolbar function. The last or second to last line or paragraph, down, that begins with β€œReceived: from β€œ (i.e. the first or second one up from the beginning of the source code of the message itself) in the header will contain the domain & IP address of the origination SMTP (or ESTMP or CMSMTP) server. If that domain doesn’t end with charter.net or twc.com or brighthouse.com, then it didn’t come from a Charter Spectrum email account.Β 

    Be sure to mark (i.e. flag) spam messages as spam. Spectrum’s guidance, here, says β€œβ€’ Spectrum email has a built-in spam filtering system. All emails flagged and moved to the spam folder will be automatically reported to help refine our filtering system. … β€œ.Β 


    My bad for offering another opinion but there are no protocol distinctions between any email providers that i know of. They all provide HTTPS webmail and they all provide IMAP & SMTP for email apps if you prefer such, as far as i know. The big-time freebies tend to come with ads & promos and they’re far from immune to spam. Any new email address with any provider will tend to be less prone to spam because it takes a while for the address to leak out to spam hawks. Spam experience with any email account tends to evolve based on what all it’s used for and how long it’s been so used.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,365 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @JeffH12, welcome to our community!

    Very sorry for the spam you are receiving. The best thing you can do, especially when they use odd spelling to avoid keyword filters, is to mark the emails as spam. Not only will it immediately block further emails from that email address, it will help us learn to block similar emails in the future and to identify the senders account so the spam can be stopped at the source.

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