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My Spectrum - My wifi profile - missing

Testname_1 Posts: 2 Spectator

I have searched and everything I can find does not have an answer except try the new version. Those discussions are all closed so let me open one up. Under my account - Settings there is NO Option to Install my Wifi profile. I have the newest version 10.20.0 which I just reinstalled. Are internet only customers only no longer allowed access. When will this be fixed? I am planning on being on the road for a few months and need to use this feature.

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi & Welcome!

    This is a known issue impacting some devices. The developers are currently working on a fix and expect the fix will be included in a future update.

    Until the update is available, you can still join an available public Spectrum hotspot network manually using your Spectrum credentials.

    You can also install the profile without the app by using https://wifiprofile.spectrum.net/ until it is fixed within the app.


  • Testname_1
    Testname_1 Posts: 2 Spectator

    Thank you for your response. On my laptop the link you provided redirects to https://wifiprofile.spectrum.net/#/windows which gives me instructions for installing my profile I assume for windows. However, on my phone it just stays on the link you sent which just tells me to download the My Spectrum app. I can see you have been providing the same answer since at least August. I have a common phone Motorola Moto E6. Everything I have read says even internet only customers should have access to the Wifi hotspots. I need to access them on my phone. Could you tell me why the developers are unable to provide a fix for such a common phone? What about a more definitive date?

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,341 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    It is not just affecting the Moto E6, it is affecting multiple different models my own included. The developers are working on a fix but have not provided any estimates at this time.

  • genegnet
    genegnet Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Internet customer I was able to connect with Wifi hotspots last year none this year same problem have version 10.21.0 I can not download my profile . Under my account - Settings there is NO Option to Install my Wifi profile I called technical support and he reffered me to Spectrum mobile sales who do call to get this fixed I do not want to add mobile to get wifi I have internet and TV. Thank you. for tech support with same problem as above I have samsung smart with latest updates.

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