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Why are some scheduled shows not recording?

jodi4fsu Posts: 4 Spectator

New to Spectrum and I am having the same reoccurring problem. I set up recordings for the entire week on Mondays and make sure they are showing in scheduled. During the middle of the 1st week, I noticed that the 3 shows that were set to record on Friday and Saturday were no longer listed under scheduled recordings, so I scheduled them again. For the next 2 weeks, I had the same issue. I watch shows soon after they record and delete right away, so storage is not an issue. I am able to record and watch other shows earlier in the week from those channels without issue. It is very odd that only the scheduled recordings from late in the week are disappearing.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor
    edited February 2023

    Hi @jodi4fsu ,

    Welcome to the Community!

    Does this only happen with shows that are scheduled to record for later in the week? I would suggest a cold reboot of the modem and router Turn off everything and unplug your modem and router for five minutes. Than plug the modem in to completely reboot, and the router in to completely reboot. Set up some recordings for the week. If the issue happens again, a service call may be needed to check your cable signals, drop line and wiring,


  • jodi4fsu
    jodi4fsu Posts: 4 Spectator

    Hi @Satch,

    Thank you!

    Yes, it is happening only to the shows scheduled to record at the end of the week. I just went to the DVR to check and one Thursday night show and the only scheduled Friday night show are not listed under scheduled recordings anymore. I had none scheduled beyond those two. It is consistently 2 or 3 shows that get dropped. My DVR is only 4% full and I have rebooted. I guess a service call is my next step?

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    Which channel? Hallmark?

  • jodi4fsu
    jodi4fsu Posts: 4 Spectator

    Discovery and NBC this week. Pretty sure it has happened with CBS in the past.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor

    Hi @jodi4fsu,

    Thank you for these updates! Just to clarify. You are using Cloud DVR, not a cable box DVR? Those are two different DVR services. Cloud DVR service is modem/Internet-based for streaming, while Cable Box DVR is cable -box based.

    However, both systems rely on signal strength for their quality and reliability. If recordings are not recording near the end of the week, they would have to check your lines/internet to see what is happening.

    When your tech comes, ask him to set up signal monitoring for your equipment to see what is happening. With a signal/line check, a traceroute can begin to be set up, to find out where the bottleneck is in the system causing recordings to drop by the end of the week each week. The investigation itself could take 2-4 weeks to complete depending on where the trouble is located, if it is something more involved than replacing the line drop. Keep us posted!


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    When this happens, do you notice the disaffected programs to have coincidentally become available on demand?

  • jodi4fsu
    jodi4fsu Posts: 4 Spectator

    I have an HD-DVR box.

    I am able to find the missing recordings on demand, usually the following day, maybe two days after.

    Thank you for the info.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor

    Good Evening @jodi4fsu,

    Thank you for confirming that you are using a cable box DVR. You should call Spectrum for a signal and drop line test letting the CSR place on the work order, that scheduled recordings are not being recorded towards the end of the week.

    Try to avoid rebooting your equipment for six hours prior to the tech's visit. Rebooting clears out the interference, known as "ingress" in the line, Your tech will need to see the interference coming through with his signal meter. All other issues I mentioned above, asking about signal monitoring set up on your equipment, and the expectation of a two to three week investigation still would normally apply, unless a new drop line fixes everything within seven days of being installed .


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    Right, Satch, although that may be a programatical fault with on-demand availability. After a network suddenly makes a program available on demand, the next time the guide updates, it’s as if any current listings for that program get overwritten along with the record setting. With Hallmark, that was indeed Wednesday night—Thursday morning if my recollection is correct. But with Hallmark, the on-demand availability seemed to absolutely coincide with the effect so maybe this is not entirely the same story.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor

    Good call @HT_Greenfield

    If there is a database change to a program title, for example "The Mystery of Life" becomes "Mystery of Life" the show will not record. However, this seems to be happening often enough with recordings not being recorded near the end of the week, that this sounds like a signal or line issue. User @jodi4fsu reports that this is happening on NBC and Discovery most often. I would suggest that the tech take signal readings off of those two channels during his visit.


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor
    edited February 2023

    Right, Satch, but it's my understanding that all of the programs do record as long as the record setting sticks or is re-upped in time after inexplicably disappearing mid-week, and the type of listing update or overwrite i'm talking about has only to do with on-demand availability roll-out, which is far more easily noticeable via Spectrum Guide, for example, than i-Guide for another example.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor

    Sup? @HT_Greenfield?

    @jodi4fsu mentioned NBC and Discovery as the channels that were doing it now, and thought it was CBS in the past.. I remember that issue with Hallmark! All Hallmark movies that were current, would not record until they had completed their On Demand cycle. Older Hallmark films that were not pushed to On Demand recorded fine.

    We need to narrow this down with some OP testing for older shows scheduled to be recorded on NBC/Discovery.

    @jodi4fsu Does this happen on all NBC/Discovery content where shows are being dropped later in the week? Or only with specific shows? If it is only with Specific shows, on what shows is this happening most often?.

    If you are able to record a show on a Monday. Is it still in your DVR list on Tuesday? Can you watch it on Tuesday? Once recorded to the DVR's hard drive, the shows should stay on the hard drive until you delete them, or until space on the hard drive is needed for more shows.

    Or this is what I think is happening most likely, You schedule a show for Monday and it shows up in Scheduled Recordings, until about Thursday, after that time, it is gone from Scheduled Recordings? Now if it is gone from Scheduled Recordings the same day it shows up On Demand, NBC and Discovery are very likely not allowing recordings of new shows (2022 or later) to be recorded once they go to On Demand.

    A favor to ask @jodi4fsu . Find some really old show late in the week with a year below 2020, scheduled for Friday. on NBC or Discovery and record it to your DVR. Do this on a Sunday or Monday. Check your Scheduled DVR recordings on Friday of that week.. If the recording is still scheduled, (a show before 2020 on that Friday, and it records on that Friday,) than @HT_Greenfield 's theory is likely correct. NBC and Discovery are flagging newer shows to be only watched live, or On Demand. Set up these test shows as individual recordings only, not series recordings. If you already have a service call set up, keep it just to see that your signals and lines are OK. If you don't have a service call set up, do the above recording tests on some pre-2020 programs before making the call.


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    Nothin’ but the house rent, Satch. Good advice! If i ever suggested otherwise, i don’t believe there’s any mutual exclusivity between recordability and on-demand availability. I think any scheduled program is recordable regardless of whether it’s also available on demand. It’s just that when the on-demand availability so happens to contemporaneously roll out after the record setting and before the scheduled air-time, it’s as if the listing and, thus, the record setting, gets overwritten at which point it can be re-upped.

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