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Changing to Favorites causes issue

EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

When I change my channel guide to only show favorites, changing channels goes from a few seconds to 10-15 seconds. Just to change the channel. This is repeatable. Any work-around? Any way to report this to the app developers?


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @EdIgoe, welcome to our community!

    What device are you using the Spectrum TV app on? Have you tried other devices and are they having the same issue? Have you tried rebooting the modem/router and the device?

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    I'm using this on a Roku Television made by Hisense (Yeah, I know, cheap brand). I have checked the remote's batteries, re-booted the TV, Rebooted the modem and router, checked the TV and app for updates, and re-installed it.

    If I switch back to "All Channels" instead of "Favorites" the problem disappears, that's why I suspect the app rather than the TV.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Will you please try rebooting your internet modem and router?

    If the issue persists try a different device or a computer at watch.spectrum.net.

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    Ok, I've done all that. See my previous response.

    I guess you're not understanding the nature of the problem.

    On the TV you can open the guide by hitting the right arrow on the remote. The default setting once you open it is "All Channels." You have the option of setting certain channels as "Favorites" which I have done, to eliminate, for example, the Spanish language channels and the duplicates. Now, back on the guide, you also have the option of only showing those "Favorites" by long-holding the center "OK" button on the remote, and selecting "Filter By" -> "Favorites." In this way, you no longer see the undesired stations.

    When I have the guide set for "Favorites" I have the 10-15 second delay in changing stations.

    When I have the guide set for "All Channels" I have little or no delay changing stations.

    This ONLY happens when using the app, not while using the cable box.

    I only have one TV capable of running the app, so I cannot test it elsewhere.

    This feature is not available on watch.spectrum.net.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited June 2023

    I was able to locate your account using your community registration and your modem is still showing an uptime of 19 days, and your Roku is showing severe connection issue. You might have unplugged it too quickly. Please try rebooting the modem again by disconnecting the power cord for 30 seconds before plugging it back in. Wait for the online light on the modem to come on, and then reboot the router the same way. Allow a few minutes for them to finish rebooting before testing the app.

    If the issue persists, please check if other filters are having the issue. You can also test the filters at watch.spectrum.net though yes favorites is only available on the guide there. If you have an Android or Apple phone, or an Xbox one, you could also try the app on those. Make sure you are testing close to the router to ensure a strong WiFi signal.

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    Thank you for checking my connection. How does one actually unplug something "too quickly?"

    The router and TV are less than 10' apart.

    Since you insist, I'll re-boot a fourth time.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    If you just unplug it and plug it back in immediately the modem could hold residual current keeping it from fully powering off.

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    Ok - So I just Rebooted 1) The modem 2) The Router and 3) The cable box (eh, why not?)

    On "All channels": Channels change normally.

    On "Favorites": Channels take 10-15 seconds to change.

    If it were the modem or router, wouldn't the channels change slowly regardless of the app setting?

    Have you tried to replicate the problem using the app?

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    No, problems with the connection can definitely impact different functions differently. Yes, I have tested the app on a few devices and have no issues. Regardless of favorite or any other filter my channels change in less than second.

    I do see a better connection from your Roku now at least. Can you try a filter other than favorites? Do you have an Android or iPhone you can test with?

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    I put the "Sports" filter on: 5 seconds between channels. Slower than no filter, but less channels involved.

    I have an Android phone, just installed THAT app (it's VERY different than the Roku app) and the issue does not exist there.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited June 2023

    Unfortunately it looks like the Roku is having connection issues again. If it is that close to the router it is concerning it can't hold a steady signal. Will you please try factory resetting the TV/Roku, and when setting it back up make sure to connect it to the 5G network?

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    Ok then. Now the behavior is slightly different. I reset the TV, then went into the settings and re-established the wireless network connection. Now, it takes a long time to call up the guide, AND a long time after I choose the new channel to switch to it. HOWEVER, now if I use the "previous channel" it jumps immediately. All reversible if I switch the guide back to "All channels."

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey @EdIgoe, sorry for the delay.

    It looks like your TV continues to report severe connection issues. As we are not able to recreate this problems on our end and have not seen reports from other customers unfortunately it seems like the issue is specific to that TV.

    If you made sure to reconnect it to the 5G network and there is nothing between the TV and router which could be blocking or interfering the signal I'd recommend getting an external Roku or other supported device to connect to your TV.

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    So you're suggesting I get an external ROKU device and plug it into my ROKU TELEVISION?


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Your TV is reporting constant buffering and very slow speeds, less than 2 Mb/s. I do not see any issues with your internet equipment and if your phone and other devices are not having issues it appears to be a problem with that TV. While it has a built in Roku, it sounds like the TV itself is functioning fine so I think it would make more sense to just get a cheap external Roku or other device instead of replacing the entire TV.

  • EdIgoe
    EdIgoe Posts: 9 Spectator

    Ok. Just one final comment.

    This is a new problem. It started happening a few weeks ago. There was no problem before that.

    The TV changes channels just fine when using any of the other filters. It's only "favorites" where the issue occurs. On "locals" or "sports" it jumps to the channel quickly.

    My phone indicates it's getting a strong Wi-Fi signal immediately next to the TV.

    After all that, if you still believe there's nothing wrong with the app, then I feel we're at an impasse.


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I understand the issue. All problems start at some point in time. Everything breaks eventually. If the phone is getting good speed, and not having issues with the app, yes I still believe it is an issue with your TV. I will leave the thread open so if anyone else experiences this maybe they will see it and respond, but at this time it seems to be an issue isolated to that specific device.

This discussion has been closed.