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Does Spectrum offer cellular signal boosters?

Our home has poor cell service, and we use Wi-Fi Calling at home. Our problem is that our iPhone 8's battery continues to be drained as each one tries constantly to seek-out the cell tower. This can be avoided by putting the phones into Airplane mode, but then when we leave the house we have to remember to turn-off Airplane mode cuz of course we'll not be able to receive calls.
Does Spectrum have any advice or knowledge about Signal Boosters for the home? Would tech support be able to offer these? Or since Spectrum uses Verizon towers, we'd have to get Verizon approval for such???
Good evening @TomUpNorth
Thank you for reaching out to us about extending your mobile signal within your home. We do offer our wireless access called Advanced Wireless This will provide better WiFi coverage throughout your home and may help with your mobile signal strength. . We do not offer a cellular signal booster. If you are interested in learning more about our Advanced Wireless please give us a call at 1-855-707-7328 from 7 AM to 11 PM daily. -Lyn
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If I were to acquire a 3rd party booster, how would I go about registering it with Spectrum Mobile?
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While Spectrum Mobile is on the verizon network, I do not believe Verizon boosters will work with our mobile devices. @TomUpNorth
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Well can someone please find out??? I do not want to switch-back to AT&T but I will, unless I can fix this problem.
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VZW is required to have established the ways and means for you to get the thing registered with them, either directly, or indirectly via Spectrum Mobile. So get ahold of VZW and find out how they need you to get it done.
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Thanks HT_Greenfield, that information is helpful, though it does appear that without an account with VZW it will be nontrivial at best to get someone's attention to this.
Very disappointing that Spectrum's people here are unwilling or unable to give me direction.