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MLB Channel 306

bud121156 Posts: 5 Participant

What has happened to MLB Channel 306. Not available now? Not showing in the guide/lineup?


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    Where at and since when? Just curious.

  • bud121156
    bud121156 Posts: 5 Participant
    edited July 2023

    North Carolina. Same issue on streaming app. iPhone app, and app on PC. No other missing channels. Just talked to a rep. They submitted an IT claim Waiting 24-48 hours.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    Good enough. In the meantime, Iā€™d be curious to know if the MLB Network channel has completely disappeared from the guide out there. Log on to your account at spectrum.net and then hit the Watch TV tab and then hit šŸ” and search specifically for MLB Network and see if it comes up in the search results and, if it does, hit it and see what if anything happens. I'm not holding my breath, by the way.

  • bud121156
    bud121156 Posts: 5 Participant
    edited July 2023

    Still no change next morning. MLB shows in the search, but when I click on the link, he goes to last channel viewed.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good morning @bud121156!

    Sorry you are still having trouble, however I do see our engineers have confirmed it is an issue impacting your zip code and are working to correct it as soon as possible.

  • bud121156
    bud121156 Posts: 5 Participant
    edited July 2023

    Don't know if it is related, but we had a two hour service outage about 12 hours prior to seeing the missing channel

  • bud121156
    bud121156 Posts: 5 Participant

    Less than 24 hours, issue now resolved.

This discussion has been closed.