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Take me to where I can change my credit card used for autopay, due to the current cards soon to be e

The credit card used for autopay is soon to expire. How do I change the current card to another one with a later expiration date?
Best Answer
Hi & welcome!
You can change your autopay information online or using the My Spectrum app. I've included links that have details for both:
Cancel or Change Payment Method for Auto Pay (Automatic Payment)
Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
How do I change my credit card number soon to expire, that is currently used for autopay, to one that will not expire for several years to come?
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How do I change my credit card number,due to expiration in the near future? I just need to change the current number to my new one. Sounds simple but I haven't found an answer from anyone yet at Spectrum that I've requested help from.