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Is anyone else upset because Nat Geo Wild wasn't included in the new Disney contract?



  • mspriss2232003_
    mspriss2232003_ Posts: 3 Spectator

    I have hulu and Disney+ apps and you can't watch NatGeo wild current shows so what good will it be if Disney is gonna give us Disney+ will that have the new tv showings that have aired in the last month or two because of this contract disagreement

  • NoelleBough
    NoelleBough Posts: 2 Spectator

    Who's idea was it to drop that channel???? There are so many others I never never watch they could have dropped..... But, National Geo. Wild! My favorite..... Damn Disney Damn Disney.

  • NoelleBough
    NoelleBough Posts: 2 Spectator

    Why on earth couldn't they have dropped so many other channels I never watch, but no, it had to be National Geo Wild..... I'm absolutely heartbroken..... I watch that channel all the time and loved everyone of their programs..... why couldn't they have dropped any one of the other 300 channels..... Go to H.. disney. Damn you.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,837 Contributor
    edited September 2023


    I think that what Disney saw was that there was too much repetition already on National Geographic Wild, that could be found on National Geographic, so they dropped that channel. There has been a lot of negative customer feedback about the removal of National Geographic Wild. Due to this negative feedback about the removal of this channel, maybe Spectrum could perhaps work out an agreement with Disney to put it in the optional but excellent Entertainment View plan for $12/mo. (Entertainment View might go up to something like $12.50/mo.) Or just return it to Spectrum Select and higher packages. Customers might have to pay a slight rate increase for the return of that channel, say 80 cents more per month. However, there has been a lot of people missing that particular station, more so than any of the other seven channels removed. Keep leaving your feedback about the channel, and specifically why you would like to see its return? What made National Geographic Wild different and unique over National Geographic, where that channel should be returned to Spectrum line-ups?


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  • abarrowc
    abarrowc Posts: 3 Spectator

    I am with some of you. I could care less about sports or ESPN. But I loved National Geographic Wild. It was the best, Critter Fixers, Dr. Oakley, Dr. Pol....all these great animal programs. I pay too much to have Spectrum to be able to afford any extra Disney Streaming crap. Why pay for both? Not fair.

  • NanaTC
    NanaTC Posts: 44 Contributor

    I have TV Choice with Entertainment View, NatGeo Wild was the best channel in Entertainment View. I understand the 8 channels we lost aren't coming back, but Spectrum could give us 8 comparable channels in there place. Adding INSP would be one good channel to add. After I got TV Choice and found out it wasn't in that package I called and asked if it was a channel option. Rep said No, but its popular, a lot of customers ask for it.

  • AppleSnyder
    AppleSnyder Posts: 2 Spectator

    I am beyond upset that they have dropped Nat Geo Wild. My favorite shows were the vet shows like Dr Pol, Dr. Oakley and Critter Fixers. So sick of the big conglomerates getting their way and not thinking about the people who made them big. I am thinking of switching to UTube TV or AT&T for mycable.

  • Mkendis
    Mkendis Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    When Spectrum sent a message saying how much better our service will be, new routers, new modems..and then by the way they said there will be new tiers of programming. With these two titans holding us all hostages all about their greed. Nat geo wild is a favorite, what I watch all the time. It’s informative, it’s nonviolent, its infuriating. Instead of writing Spectrum to give us a credit, just give it back, with Hulu or whatever.

  • theresau62
    theresau62 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm upset about losing NAT Geo Wild, that's our go to channel, 60% of the time. I've called to complain 3 times, today I was not given any options. I don't think my pocket should be the one you rob for Disney and still not get all channels. I know in January we will pay more for whatever you reached with Disney. They can Stream You Tube Dr Pol, for free. Why pay $12.99 for Disney.

    Spectrum and Disney has made this bed let them both Lay in it. I'm trying to find another TV services, and I know I will. Disney is now making threats to Dish, Direct TV, as if it's a hostage takeover. Disney, you have dug yourself a deeper hole, and the Bunny (Spectrum) jumped right in it. Let's just move on from Spectrum, they need to learn the hard way loose $.

  • kayaker
    kayaker Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Not only am I very upset at the loss of Nat Geo Wild, I am disappointed in Spectrum and how they strung their customers along only to find out it wasn't included an any package. I am looking around for another tv service. My bill went up quite a bit for channels I NEVER watch while taking away the ones I do enjoy.

    Not the only issue with Spectrum. I have the TV app on my phone only to have it not work 2 steps outside my door. My "high speed internet" has been throttled down too. Now at 30mbs. Corporate greed at its finest.

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  • User3065
    User3065 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    As a quadriplegic there's not much you can do on your own but watch good tv like !NatGeo wild!

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  • lvcapsfan
    lvcapsfan Posts: 2 Spectator

    We lost a few Disney channels with the new agreement. But Disney+ and ESPN+ won't be available to Spectrum subscribers for many months to come.

    Do we get a rebate/rate reduction during this period? I'm paying for Disney channels I no longer get. During the negotiation period, subscribers were able to request a $15 rebate for lost channels. Is that still available?

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  • Monicap65
    Monicap65 Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited October 2023

    I am absolutely livid that I no longer have access to Nat Geo Wild. I am not paying for another freaking streaming service. These streaming services are quite expensive when you add them all together and even more so when you only watch one show per streaming service. I absolutely hate that my favorite channel is no longer available to me.

    I watch 3 channels on Spectrum: Nat Geo Wild, Heroes & Icons (for Star Trek), and the Game Show Network, but mostly Nat Geo Wild.

    No other channel has Dr. Pol, Dr. Oakley, Heartland Docs, Critter Fixers, The Wizard of Paws, along with numerous shows no longer in production.

  • AppleSnyder
    AppleSnyder Posts: 2 Spectator
    edited October 2023

    I posted last week and am still livid about the loss of Nat Geo Wild. The shows we lost were entertaining and comforting.

  • Oldschool99
    Oldschool99 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yes, LIVID about the loss of Nat Geo Wild. Do not have internet to stream, AND do not want to stream. How about putting it back on oldschool cable for oldschool people! Greedy, greedy, Disney. Shame on you!

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  • PEP
    PEP Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Pure clean family entertainment Nat Geo Wild. Best channel. Sick of paying 100"s of dollars for poor excuses of reality shows. The quality of this cable network gets worse everyday.

  • TammyY
    TammyY Posts: 1 Spectator

    Is there a cost-friendly way to get National Geographic Wild besides subscribing to a streaming site? Have 2 people in my household who cannot use streaming devices

  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 608 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good evening @TammyY and Welcome to our Community Forums

    Thank you for reaching out to us about obtaining content from the National Geographic Wild channel. Although that particular channel is no longer available with our lineup there are a couple of channels where you can find similar content. Those 2 channels are Science channel and National Geographic. Those channels are part of your current lineup. To learn the channel locations please click on our channel lineup. We appreciate your interest in that channel and will definitely forward your feedback along. -Lyn

  • ssw46
    ssw46 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Lost the best channel on tv. Why wasn't it included in deal with Disney? No one wants to spend more just to add one channel they already had! Lousy deal all around.

  • donsladek
    donsladek Posts: 3 Spectator

    We've been customers of Spectrum since the Roadrunner days, Cable, Internet, Landline & Mobile. The recent debacle of removing NatGeo Wild is giving us serious thoughts about moving to TDS when they offer service in New Berlin, WI. We're not ESPN fans, and hope your future decisions count your loyalty customers' inputs.

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