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Is there a way to pause live TV in the Spectrum tv app?

Rick_G_2023 Posts: 1 Newcomer

I am a new customer to Spectrum. We recently switched when High Speed Fiber Internet was recently installed in our neighborhood. We formally had Dishtv. 3+ yrs we had dishtv with virtually zero issues. When we were signing up for Spectrum we were offered a DVR option, which was how we watched 90% of our shows on Dishtv. When the technican showed up to install our services (fiber internet/tv/phone), they inform me that Spectrum does not offer a DVR with their fiber high-speed internet. Got to say we are very disappointed with this. No option was given for an alternative, just you won't be able to have a DVR. Then after the technician left I tried to pause a live TV show and find out the Spectrum TV app does not seem to have the capability to pause a live show. Seems like I have stepped back into the 1980's when we had antenna tv and no vcr. I wish Spectrum would fully explain the true capablities or should I say lack of capabilities of this service. I hope Spectrum is investing in improving this app. ASAP. So back to my original question is there a way to pause live TV on the Spectrum TV app?

Best Answer

  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 576 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Rick_G_2023!

    Welcome to Community Forums! I am happy to answer your question. At this time, you cannot pause live TV via the Spectrum TV app. My apologies for any inconvenience.


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