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Audio goes out of sync when streaming tv on spectrum app.



  • cbl2507
    cbl2507 Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited October 2023


    I went through and reset my router as you described. Then reset the modem again using the spectrum app on my phone. Tried watching college football on ABC through the spectrum app on my Roku and it is better but still having intermittent sync issues with the audio. Switched over to my ESPN app on the same Roku and have not had any audio sync issues. Please look at my network if you need to but as a engineering technician I'd have to say that it really does seem like the Spectrum app on Roku is the culprit for the issues everyone has been bring up on this form.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2023
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  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,374 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I perfectly understand other apps aren't having these issues. Most other apps are not live, and different apps can have varying issues resulting from a poor connection. Some apps might buffer, some might give a server error, some might have sync issues, but the root problem that needs to be fixed is the connection.

    @Jc6176 A steady 10 Mb/s should be enough to stream, but you aren't consistently getting that. Every single orange bar above is your bitrate dipping to 3Mb/s, and again since our app is live that can cause issues where other apps may just use that time to show what it loaded in advance. I can see the same dipping bitrate for all users reporting the issue here which is the only thing I'm finding in common between you. An occasional dip usually won't cause noticeable issues but this is excessive. Why everyone here is having bitrate drops is what I am trying to figure out, but I look at a very large number of these reports on a daily basis and there is not an overall increase in the number of bitrate drops among all users.

    @JeffDuke as someone with 20 years of IT experience I'd hope you understand the importance of not skipping steps in the troubleshooting process, especially one as basic and likely to fix issues as a reboot. We have access to data you don't which determine those steps. Many of those steps involve eliminating confounding variables. I am also very limited in discussing customer data in an open forum here. I don't take pleasure in arguing with users or avoiding escalations when they are warranted. Identifying trending issues among our users is a core responsibility of my job, and my professional opinion is that the current evidence does not support an app issue. If we can resolve some of these bitrate issues and the desyncing persists we can then proceed with further app troubleshooting, and then escalation after that. The only other thing I can do now is forward feedback that a poor internet connection causes sync issues.

    Addressing the connection issues;

    @Jc6176 Your TV is still on 2.4Ghz WiFi which is the most likely cause of your dropping bitrate. The other device I saw briefly using the app is no longer connected so I can't check that, but you do have other devices on 5Ghz WiFi now confirming that is working. Please verify your TV has 5Ghz capabilities and test as close to the router as possible to completely eliminate any possible interference issues. You can also test the Spectrum TV app on one of your mobile devices next to the router, or better yet connect something with an ethernet cable.

    @FASHIONABLE1 Welcome to our community and the conversation here, sorry if this is not the answer you want. You have excessive bitrate drops. I see the modem has been reset recently, thank you for trying that first. Some minor signal problems, not too severe but should probably be addressed by a technician visit at your earliest convenience. Unfortunately unless using our router I can't see anything about your connection method or strength, are you close to a router with 5Ghz WiFi or using an ethernet cable? Can you test with a different type of device, and also make sure you are consistently getting high speed test results?

    @JeffDuke Thank you for rebooting but I'm still seeing the frequent bitrate drops with you as well. If you are only getting 81 Mb/s over ethernet that is far under your subscribed speed and more clearly shows there is an internet issue than anyone else's. That is like 84% of your bandwidth being lost. Where is it being bottlenecked? Do you have a different ethernet cable you can test with, and test direct to the modem instead of the router? Is there anything along the path of the current ethernet that could cause any kind of interference? Can you test with a different device, and run a continuous ping to see if you are getting any dropped packets or ping spikes?

  • cbl2507
    cbl2507 Posts: 4 Spectator

    Hey @William_M ,

    Were you able to look at my network? Are my modem and router showing the proper reset? Like I stated, the sync issue is better for sure but it is still happening at times.

  • Zardath
    Zardath Posts: 10 Participant

    Hi @William_M. I read your response and powered off/on the modem, also the router and restarted the Roku. Unfortunately I'm noticing the issues again this morning while watching the Spectrum app.

    I recognize you mentioned the modem version 3.0 vs. 3.1. That is good to know. But...the streaming issues only started happening about a week and a half ago or so. And I've had this 3.0 modem for a long time. So I really think this is some sort of app issue. I even deleted the Spectrum app, then re-downloaded it from the app store. Thanks for your help.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant


    I am now streaming on my TCL Roku tv. Can you please check my numbers for this device? It seems to be working fine.

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  • MadtownDrew
    MadtownDrew Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue for abouts weeks or I believe the Spectrum app version 10.8 was pushed out. Recently pushed out 10.9 has not fixed the issues nor has Roku version 12.5. Only happens on Spectrum app. Live sports and news on other apps are not affected. Confirmed with ESPN app this weekend. ESPN on Spectrum app glitches - ESPN app, same live program, has no glitches. FOX News same thing.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    So I bought a Roku stick like the spectrum tech suggested $50 and …… it did not work. Only the spectrum app lip sync is off. Calling customer care tomorrow to complain.

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  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant


    going to try a reset on my Samsung tv. That will be the last effort I try. Stay tuned.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    Did a reset on my Samsung tv. That did not work. Tv still glitches and lip sync is off. This only happens on the spectrum app. It happens on tv and on the Roku stick. Either my Samsung tv can not work with spectrum or the spectrum app is not working or my spectrum equipment is bad…..

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    Is spectrum throttling our data????

    Network Management. Spectrum uses a variety of reasonable network management tools and practices consistent with industry standards. In the event the periods of congestion necessitate such management, Spectrum has available the following tools and practices (without limitation and as may be adjusted over time): (i) Subscriber Traffic Management (STM) technology to temporarily lower the priority of traffic with the greatest impact on peak congestion; (ii) spam filtering and detection techniques; and (iii) measures to protect the security and integrity of its network, resources and subscribers (e.g., IP reputation services from multiple sources to deny mail relay to suspect IPs of Charter IP space, real-time IP block lists to determine whether to accept a connection to inbound mail servers, port security techniques such as encryption and authentication, and email server- to-server traffic monitoring). In limited instances if employed, these techniques may affect the throughput rate at which subscribers may send and receive data, the ability of users to establish session connections within the network, or result in the delay of certain traffic during times of peak congestion.

    For more information about Spectrum''s network management practices and policies, please see the Spectrum Network Management Practices Statement.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    It is 2:30 ET and all devices are working perfectly.

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  • skondolf
    skondolf Posts: 3 Spectator

    I just came across this discussion. I, too, have been dealing with this sync issue ever since I got rid of my cable boxes and went 100% streaming using the Spectrum App and Roku which I did in the fall of 2022. I don't have an Apple TV, mine is a Sony Bravia 65x900E 4k TV that I purchased about 5yrs ago. I've done everything (and more) that has been mentioned here and in other posts. I initially had a Spectrum router and had the issue. I replaced it with a TP-Link mesh system and have the issue. I've purchased different Roku units and still have the issue. I've insured I have the latest version of all my apps i.e. TP-Link, Roku's, TV, etc. I reboot my modem, TP-Link Router, Roku's just about daily. I will say I usually see the issue when watching FoxNews, WeTV and MeTV.

    I've done many tests trying to isolate the issue to see if it's my equipment with no luck. In fact I feel the following proves it's an issue with the Spectrum App.

    Recently, as a test, I took my Galaxy S22 phone and using the Spectrum App I connected to the same Mesh unit as my Roku uses. This bypassed the Sony TV and the Roku. I turned both to FoxNews. There was an approx 7second delay between watching the tv and the phone. Now here's the part that tells me it's the app. While watching the tv I got the audio/video out of sync issue. So I looked at my phone (remember it's 7seconds behind). No issue. However when the phone got to the spot that had the sync issue on the tv the phone HAD THE EXACT SAME SYNC ISSUE. Now, if it was something to do with my equipment the sync issue would've happened at the same time on both the phone and tv. Being that the issue happened on the phone 7 seconds later tells me it's what is being broadcast by Spectrum that's causing the issue with the app, not anything happening at my end.

    This is beyond frustrating! I hope something is resolved soon!! I guess I'll go downstairs now and go through the daily routine of checking for updates and rebooting equipment.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    I seem to have had some luck. So far lol….

    I did a total reset on my Samsung tv. Started from factory settings and reset everything. Let sit overnight. Today I have not had any issues watching on my Roku 4 k stick. Hope this continues and will work for others. Have not tried watching on my tv only. Afraid to lol

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,374 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @cbl2507 I see a 3 day up-time on your modem so the reset worked, thanks! I am seeing periods of several hours where your bitrate is still dropping but other times where it is stable. Are you able to test this on a device in the same room as the router to make sure you are on 5Ghz? 2.4Ghz is prone to radio interference which can cause problems for periods time like that. It also look like the Roku you are using most frequently is only on Roku OS 12.0, please check for software updates.

    @Zardath Out of 3 Rokus I am seeing one that can't hold a bit rate over 1 Mb/s, another with near constant drops to around 3Mb/s, but one more with only occasional periods of drops. It is the 3810x which also looks like it is the only one running Roku OS 12.5. Will you please make sure they are all updated and test one in the same room as your wireless router?

    @Jc6176 I still see constant bitrate drops on all devices using the app. Network management is not the same as throttling and even if we did throttle it certainly wouldn't make sense for us to do it to our own app. If the issue returns I recommend focusing your troubleshooting on the internet, not resetting your TVs. Test a device in the same room as the router or with ethernet to make sure it's not a WiFi issue, and run a few speed tests to make sure you're consistently getting full speed.

    @JeffDuke Usually you would be closer to 100 Mb/s if that was the only bottleneck, but that could certainly be what is limiting it. I'm sorry if our app sometimes gets out of sync when the bitrate drop repeatedly when other apps do not, I will forward your feedback on that but the assistance I can offer at this point is with the internet. I recommend a continuous ping to see if you are getting any dropped packets or ping spikes, testing a different ethernet cable direct to the modem and not running past other electronics like the TV, and testing a different device.

    @MadtownDrew Welcome to our community. This is caused by your bitrate dropping repeatedly due to a poor internet connection. I can see your modem has been reboot recently and has healthy signal strength, so I recommend making sure you are on 5Ghz WiFi and test in the same room as the router to eliminate any wireless interference issues.

    @skondolf It looks like you did a lot of great troubleshooting already, thanks for that! The timing between devices doesn't really narrow it down to an app issue. As I have advised others here, we have tools to monitor your devices bitrate while using the app and yours is repeatedly dropping. Will you make sure you are on 5Ghz WiFi and test the app in the same room as the router? Run a few speed tests to make sure you are getting consistent results.

  • skondolf
    skondolf Posts: 3 Spectator

    @William_M Thanks for the quick reply. I changed my wifi network to operate only on 5ghz and rebooted the network. I also re-positioned my satellite deco unit to a different area of the house. Normally when I test the network on the roku attached to my living room TV I would get about 80mbps. After changing the network to run 5ghz only and moving the deco unit I got 175gbps. I also stood by the tv and ran speedtest on my phone and got consistently 360 - 380mbps. Running it in my upstairs office where the main Deco unit and the Spectrum Modem is I consistently got between 420 - 460mbps. I also found there was an update for one of my Roku's which I installed.

    So far I've not noticed any sync issues although I wasn't on the problem channels very long. The only issue I did experience (and this has been going on for some time also) is buffering when watching MeTV. This always seems to happen about 6:15-6:30pm. I was told by "someone" at Spectrum that this is a known issue with MeTV although I've never been told that when I call in for technical support.

    I'll continue to monitor.

  • Zardath
    Zardath Posts: 10 Participant

    @William_M , thank you for your help. It seems like the problem is resolved now. From what you said, I investigated and yes the one Roku that I noticed the worst "jitter" on while using the Spectrum app, for some reason had a poor network connection. I reconnected at a much better connection. And it looks like the problem is gone now. Thanks for your help.

  • Jc6176
    Jc6176 Posts: 14 Participant

    So how does one improve a bittate??? Still having the same lip sync issue. Have tried everything.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2024
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