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Where do I report scam email claiming to be from Charter?

This is for my elderly mother, who has been targeted for scams for years. She recently received an email from a Gmail account, claiming to be from Charter, obviously not true. They are saying they will shut down her Charter email account, per her request, unless she calls their fake business number listed in the email.
I have already assured her that this isn't legit, and explained to her why. I am asking here if there is a specific way I can report this to Spectrum, and also to warn others of this scam. She forwarded the full message to me from her account, so I could report it.
Best Answer
Unfortunately, cyber criminals are constantly looking for opportunities and often target older individuals. Let her know that if there is ever a future question, to first check her account online (or call in to customer support) for any notifications or changes.
Customers who suspect a message is a scam should trust their intuition and report the crime to local authorities. You can find additional info about different types of scams at USA.gov. We encourage you to tell friends and family about the risks of common scams, and revisit this site periodically to check for updates and warnings to protect you and those you care about.
For more tips and known scams, please see this link: Scam and Fraud Alerts