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Need ability to view billing statement

veitengk5184 Posts: 1 Newcomer

Has it been brought to the attention of the Spectrum IT team that the ability to view a printable bill has stopped functioning correctly?

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @veitengk5184, welcome to our community!

    I'm not aware of any issues viewing bills and I was just able to view mine through the My Spectrum app and Spectrum.net. Are you getting an error message?


  • thatguyneil
    thatguyneil Posts: 2 Spectator

    agreed - in both Chrome and Edge, when I click "view printable statement", it just opens another browser window and not a printable statement. need to print for reimbursement. not a good look when forced to not receive paper billing.

  • thatguyneil
    thatguyneil Posts: 2 Spectator

    was able to download printable PDF bill through the My Spectrum app

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @thatguyneil, welcome to our community!

    Is the new browser window that opens up just blank? For me it contains my printable PDF. Do you have any adblock/antivirus you can pause?

  • catchtwentytwo
    catchtwentytwo Posts: 186 Contributor


    If I access my statement at spectrum.net using Google Chrome on my Windows 11 laptop, a printable statement opens in a new tab. Can you access your account via that route? You might try using an Incognito/Private Window and see if that makes a difference. If not, try using the Firefox Browser since both Chrome and Edge are based on the Chromium Project and are similar.

    I just tried using the MySpectrum App on my iPhone and was able to access a printable statement. Funny thing is if I use Google Chrome on my phone to directly access my account at spectrum.net, a printable statement won't open. I briefly saw a notice about a popup being blocked but can't consistently replicate that.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 940 Contributor

    With Safari on the web portal, when i hit View Printable Statement, it opens up account summary instead of the statement to a new tab. When i go back to the billing page and hit View Printable Statement again, then it opens up the downloadable statement to a new tab. Whenever i change the statement selection, the effect is re-upped.

  • marc38699
    marc38699 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Doesn't open on my windows 11 pc

  • KM6CLV
    KM6CLV Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This issue is known to Spectrum since Nov 4th. They do not know when it will be fixed. I found it fails in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Opera. I've tested on both Windows and Mac.

    Spectrum says you can view them by enabling pop up windows, but so far this has not worked. They also say you can see statements in their app. I have not tested this, as I do not want to put their executable code on my phone.

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