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ILP-9000 error code

I can only get a few channels when using my ipad hooked to my tv with the hdmi cord. How do I fix this problem? I have dumped the app from my ipad and downloaded it again. Signed out and back in from spectrum. Nothing is working.
Hello @SJC2016!
Welcome to Community Forums! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing app issues, I am happy to look into this for you. The app works in conjunction with your internet modem. Please sign out of the app, reboot the modem then sign back into the app. Let me know if this helps.
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I tried that and it still isnt working.
it also gives me problems when trying to cast to my smart tv from the app.
Could all if this a router problem?
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I also get this issue. I have multiple devices with the Spectrum App. I have updated the IOS, removed and replaced the Spectrum App and power cycled my Modem and Router. I can watch any channel on the Spectrum app on any device that is installed on (Cell phone and IPAD) , but as soon as I plug in the HDMI cable to send the image to my large screen I get the ILP-9000 error.....Unplug the HDMI cable and the channel plays normally again. (On the device)
Is this Spectrums way of telling you they don't want you using your phone as a cable box? To keep you from returning your boxes?