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IPv6 keeps turning off on multiple devices with new "Smart routers"

KyleTE Posts: 5 Spectator

I have noticed that my internet speeds have been way lower than what I am paying for. It is always something knew. The most recent, spectrum told me that their new smart routers pretty much dictate which devices on your wifi get 2.4ghz and which get 5ghz. There is NO WAY for me to manually change this and there is NO WAY spectrum is able to change it on their end. Their solution....get a 3rd party router.

And now....IPv6 keeps going in and out on multiple devices!!! So not only am I getting lower speeds than what I am paying for due to their "smart router", some sites I either cannot access or are extremely slow due to IPv6 going in and out!!!!


Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,292 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @KyleTE, welcome to our community! Our routers broadcast both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz and use band steering to make sure you prefer 5Ghz when in range. We can temporarily force devices onto 2.4Ghz to help with connecting certain smart appliances. Yes, the alternative is using your own router if you are looking to have full control over it.

    There are only a very small number of ipv6 only websites and getting an ipv4 address won't cause speed issues. Are you testing your speed using a device connected with an ethernet cable? What are your results? What troubleshooting have you tried already?


  • KyleTE
    KyleTE Posts: 5 Spectator

    Thank you for the response William.

    I already talked to support and had a technician come out. From what the supervisor said, the new smart routers automatically switch between 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz depending on what the "smart router" thinks is best. Issue with that is my work computer switches to 2.4Ghz which causes my download and upload speed to plummet. The fact that I cannot manually switch this setting on/off or manually set which ones I want to stay at 5Ghz is ridiculous. And on top of that, Spectrum is unable to do this either. It is solely up to the smart router to decide.

    And now on most of my devices, IPv6 keeps getting turned off. Screenshot below for context. Text below is more info when I clicked on it

    You appear to have no IPv6 at this time..

    You appear to have no IPv6 address.

    It looks like you have only IPv4 Internet service at this time. Don't feel bad - most people are in this position right now. Most Internet service providers are not quite yet ready to provide IPv6 Internet to residential customers.

    Many of the visitors to the site are new to what IPv6 is. If you don't know why IPv6 matters, see the Why IPv6 FAQ. This will give you a bit of background of what to expect with IPv4 in the coming months and years; and perhaps some incentive to ask your ISP when they will offer IPv6.

    If you strongly believe you have IPv6, but we were unable to detect it: it means one of a couple of things. Either your organization is blocking the use of IPv6 to talk to the outside Internet through network policy; or perhaps what you see with IPv6 on your host is not a global address. Any address starting with "::", "fc", "fd", or "fe" are unable to work with the public IPv6 Internet.

  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 497 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Is you're computer currently connected to the 2.4Ghz? Can you go to speedtest.net, run the speed test then send a screenshot of the results?  

  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 194 Contributor
    edited November 2023

    Your browser itself may also be forcing an IPv4 election due to a slow response. If the recursive query times out, it will default to v4. May be able to tweak that a bit, or at least assign a different service to query.

    Google your browser of choice for how to manage the recursive lookups... May find it isn't even querying your primary DNS for them.

  • KyleTE
    KyleTE Posts: 5 Spectator

    I have a $3k gaming computer. IPv6 was working last night and has now shut off today. This goes in an out. Sometimes I will get 10/10 and sometimes 0/10 and it tests IPv6 on the same websites. My current speed on my gaming computer is over 500mbps. But this is reduced to only 100mbps or less if the "smart router" decides to switch my gaming PC to 2.4ghz

  • KyleTE
    KyleTE Posts: 5 Spectator

    The router changes my connection sporadically. Below is some tests from my work computer which is 10 feet from my router. As you can see, one day was terrible with upload. And download fluctuates drastically

    Below is stats from my gaming computer. As you can see, fluctuates drastically

  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 194 Contributor

    Just curious... why use wifi over LAN?

    Like pretty much every reasonably serious gamer I have ever known, sounds like consistency/stability is a fairly top priority. Leaving frames on the table with the overhead, potential fragmentation, other issues that are known to be inherent to wireless communications.

    But... again... all of that can go out the window if a recursive lookup from the application layer is failing for v6 lookups (which, in all honesty, are pointless for a HUGE swath of games out there).

    So many issues plaguing IPv6 adoption... gaming is a HUGE obstacle because of the reliance on v4.. but I digress.

    Some things may be guarded against when you have more control over your local network... but so long as you are opting to use a company provided router that has to adhere to a more generic setup, your hands will be effectively tied--despite paying them $5 a month to manage it.

    That $60/year can quickly pay for the purchase of even a pretty basic router that you could have full control of, remedying several issues for you.

  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 497 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    I would advise reaching out our Social Media Support team via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram directly so that we can troubleshoot in real time with you. Or you can call 1-855-707-7328.

  • KyleTE
    KyleTE Posts: 5 Spectator

    I hard-wire my gaming PC when I am playing, but when I hard-wire, the cord goes across the living room and the wifey hates when the cord is stretched across the carpet. We live in an apartment so I don't see a reason to rewire the whole house to get LAN in every room. Happy wife, Happy Life, unless my internet is acting up 😭

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 911 Contributor
    edited November 2023

    I'm getting native IPv6 dual-stacked with IPv4 although it doesn't stick super-long-term but it always comes right back when i re-up it on my router. Try rebooting the modem and router and re-upping IPv6 on the gaming computer LAN adapter.

    Also, if CONNECTION_MODE 100 means the Ethernet between the gaming computer and the router is limited to 100 Mbps, then i take it that the download and upload figures are quantitatively cumulative rather than qualitative throughput ratings.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 911 Contributor

    Edit: forget what i said about those gaming computer upload and download figures. Those are obviously throughput speeds. I'm a moron. But i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 🙂

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