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Access Cloud DVR from XUMO

Do you access cloud DVR recordings on a XUMO. Please don't answer it like a politician.. I know if I use the app or go to my computer I can watch it. That is not the question. If you don't know how then say that. All the directions you have are on how to setup a Xumo not on basic use of it.
Best Answer
Hello and welcome to the Spectrum community.
To access the cloud DVR recordings on the Xumo is to open the Spectrum TV app on the Xumo. You can go to this link to get full information on how to use the Spectrum TV app on the Xumo box. There is no other way to access the Cloud DVR recordings beside using the Spectrum TV app.
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I also found this very confusing. I found a short YouTube clip that walked me through how to find it. While viewing Spectrum TV hit the back arrow, then look at the top of the screen and you should see options like Home / Live TV / Guide / My Library / On Demand. You want My Library and it will show anything you've recorded to the Cloud DVR. @Customer47