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Missing Channels

apdebecker Posts: 18 Participant

Starting this afternoon I am missing a number of channels on my Spectrum app. This is happening on all my Rokus as well as on the web version of the app. Channels like FOX news, CNN, several Lifestyle channels, etc, are all gone. What can I do to troubleshoot?


  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    We're not aware of any issues with missing channels at the time. Are you getting any kind of a message when logging in saying that you're not connected to your home WiFi?

  • hughes2904kenai
    hughes2904kenai Posts: 2 Newcomer

    We are having the same problem here. All apps (Apple TV, multiple iPhones / iPads, Roku) are missing a number of channels. These channels are NOT missing on the cable box. It appears their is a problem with the streaming server.

    Please check your streaming server configuration. There is a problem.

    Customer in Austin, TX (Cedar Park, TX)

  • hughes2904kenai
    hughes2904kenai Posts: 2 Newcomer

    This issue started this afternoon, March 20, 2024. All worked great earlier today.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @hughes2904kenai

    Are you getting any kind of error message? Anything saying you're away from home? Also, have you done any troubleshooting such as rebooting the modem and router yet?

  • apdebecker
    apdebecker Posts: 18 Participant

    I am for sure on my Spectrum network. I have tried rebooting my modem, rebooting my cable box, logging out and back in to the Spectrum app on my Roku, using the Spectrum TV site on my PC, and nothing works.

  • Dodong21_
    Dodong21_ Posts: 2 Spectator

    i am outside my home network amd it is doing the same for me on basic channels like discovery and the on demmand feature

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Thanks for the additional info! I'm not seeing any issues with missing channels in the app, so I am going to message you for some more information so that we can get things up to our app team to take a look into.

  • depmode01
    depmode01 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am also missing channels on all Roku devices. Checked on a channel and says I am unsubscribed need to call and get added but my account shows I should have all channels. Started with the new changes to tv packages effective today 3/20/2024.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @Dodong21_

    I took at look at the account using your community registration information. I'm going to message you for some more info so we can see about getting this up to the app team for you.

  • Dodong21_
    Dodong21_ Posts: 2 Spectator


  • apdebecker
    apdebecker Posts: 18 Participant

    Info sent.

  • apdebecker
    apdebecker Posts: 18 Participant

    All the channels are back this morning.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Thanks for the update! Glad to hear the issue is resolved. Let us know anytime we can assist with anything else!

This discussion has been closed.