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How do we stream all Dodgers games through Spectrum internet?

I just saw that we are able to stream all Dodger games through Spectrum internet.
Best Answers
Hi & welcome!
Spectrum SportsNet LA+ broadcasts of Los Angeles Dodgers MLB games will be available to Spectrum Mobile + Internet customers in various areas of California, Nevada, and Hawaii at no additional charge. Eligible customers will be able to watch more than 140 games by using their Spectrum.net login credentials at DODGERS.TV or the MLB app.
To receive free digital access to 2024 Dodgers regular season games on Spectrum SportsNet LA, customers must subscribe to both Spectrum internet and mobile service.
Spectrum TV customers with access to SportsNet LA can continue to watch Dodgers games via their TV lineup, the Spectrum TV app, or the Spectrum SportsNet app.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
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Thank you.
I would like dodger games on my TV lineup
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Hello @kingnothing47
Welcome to our community! To add Dodger games to your lineup, please call 855-707-7328.
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I’m very annoyed that I bought into the mobile program and am not eligible to watch games because of my zip code!!!
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Was told my zip code was ineligible….according to this, my ZIP CODE IS ELIGIBLE.
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@Krstl : Stupid question: Are your Spectrum Internet and Spectrum Mobile both on the same account with your residential service address within the stated Bakersfield zip code? If so, what is the fault indication and does it fail at home or away or when connected to your Spectrum home Internet or your Spectrum Mobile LTE or 5G cellular network or what?
Dodgers Games with Spectrum: 🔗
Special Spectrum SportsNet LA Offer: 🔗
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I downloaded the Spectrum Sports Net app and it keeps crashing as soon as it opens. how do I prevent it from crashing?
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i have spent over seven hours with support. I finally got it going and the June 1st came and I lost all access to every game. It says it is now blacked out in my area. I live in LA county in Calabasas and not a black out area. So frustrating and every time I call no one knows about this promo and try’s to sell me cable.