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DVR Missing Recordings

For at least the past month, at least, shows setup to record are not showing up in the DVR menu.
It doesn’t matter the network or time or the box (I have two). Shows appear to record and disappear, never making it to the menu. Last night, the downstairs box missed Blue Bloods and Bill Maher while the upstairs one missed those and SWAT but did record the show in between on CBS? This happens most nights with no regularity or pattern.
I spent hours on Monday speaking with someone who wasn’t helpful. I have reset the boxes multiple times and can’t figure out what the issue is. Anyone have any experience with this?
Hello @pschwartz89
Welcome to our Community Forums! Sorry to hear that your DVR boxes are having issues recording, I am happy to help! It sounds like you've done the basic troubleshooting. When you reset the box, did that help at all? Have you checked to verify whether you have storage space left on the boxes?
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Thank you. Nothing has helped. I have plenty of storage on both boxes, no recording conflicts that would cause it either.
It’s as if the recording happens (red light shows) but some shows don’t make it to the menu.
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You're welcome! Is the issue only with specific programming?
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No. Shows scheduled to record on any network at any time get missed or don’t appear.
It also happens on both boxes but differently. My last software update was March 19th. Perhaps something happened with that?
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For what it’s worth, it does seem to happen more on anything recording at 10pm ET or after.
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Have you noticed any issues at all when watching TV live? Did the episodes show in the SCHEDULED section of your DVR?
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I have this EXACT same issue. If I reset the DVR at the time it is set to record then it works but it sort of misses the point of recording if you have to be there to make it work. I have tried everything discussed here, and yes the channel is available live. Any new insight into this problem ?
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oh and yes, the show does show up in Scheduled until the red recording light comes on and it is supposed to be recording. But does not show up in recorded shows
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@William_M only issue while watching live TV is that the box behaves like I am recording all the shows in that I am unable to change the channel or watch On Demand when I have 4 shows recording at once. It says everything is recording and then fails to appear in the menu either as "pending" or after completed.
I think I stumbled upon something that may explain it. Seems all the shows that are now appearing, have an incorrect "first aired" date despite the program being scheduled at the correct day and time and being flagged as "new".
As an example, tonight's NCIS Hawaii is to record at 10pm 5/6 but says that it first aired on 5/5, which it did not. Same for the shows missed last night, including The Equalizer, Gentleman In Moscow, The Jinx Part 2, and CSI Vegas. All of these shows were scheduled last night, recorded but have disappeared and all showed an incorrect first aired date when looking at the browse episodes on demand. I have now called again and was told I would be hearing from some escalated team within an hour…that was 4 hours ago…
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@Laura99 There's something wrong with the software as it is happening on both of my boxes. I have called twice and have been told twice it would be escalated to the technical team and nobody has called me back. It's very disappointing.
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I have 2 boxes also, and it is happening on both. Tonight I am recording something at 7pm, just reset both boxes and am going to leave the tv turned on and see if that helps it record
Thank you for your post, it made me realize it would be futile to contact Spectrum and waste my time with their trouble shooting. I have the cloud DVR as a backup
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@Laura99 glad my pain can help others ;o). They may have fixed something as everything worked last night for the first time in months. Of course, nobody had gotten back to me to confirm what the issue was or that it is fixed but so far so good…
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I have had this issue for at least a year, but I thought it was operator error (me). I kept setting the box to record shows, but they didn't appear in the menu. I figured I had done something wrong. However, towards the end of the season for Oak Island, I was definitely setting everything correctly, and the box just didn't record. I've reset the box a million times. Not sure what the issue is, but I also haven't reached out to Spectrum yet.
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@ADH27 definitely contact them and put a service ticket in. It appears to be a software glitch or something. You will need to be very specific with them including some examples of the shows, networks, and times that were missing. Other things to check is when you go to browse episodes of the show you missed and you go to the episode in question and the first aired dates is before the actual first night the episode was supposed to air. This was a consistent pattern in the shows I was missing…
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Edit: just curious if anything relevant about these inexplicable disappearances ever shows up in the DVR history/event log.
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For me it doesn’t matter when or what the show is. I have opened up the guide, chosen a show which starts in a half hour and set to record. Go back in a hour and the show has disappeared from scheduled recordings and not showing up in recorded shows. I have done this many times with multiple shows and different channels. It only records if I reset the box immediately before the recording starts.
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@HT_Greenfield I have no access to any such log on my boxes. I am only able to see what is scheduled prior to the event and then nothing. I have Cisco boxes so perhaps other models have different functionality? From the Spectrum side, the folks I spoke with could only see what I see and had no "log" that they shared with me.
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@Laura99 that's an even bigger issue than mine. Just be careful about swapping boxes. As I understand it, the locations have no control over the model box you get so it could have less tuners or more…could have a clock or not. If that sort of thing matters to you, you would want to confirm what kind of boxes they have available for you to swap.
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@pschwartz89 thanks for the heads up. All i know is that my Arris/Motorola DCX running the i-Guide software has a DVR History in the DVR menu. It logs the last 28 days worth of deletion and cancellation events, including contemporaneous system-elicited ones, including an explanatory description when you open one. I've reason to suppose that the Spectrum 210 if not also the 201, running the Spectrum Guide software, also has such. If the Cisco box is running the ODN software, i'd be stupid enough to try to nav the DVR menu to the right, past the right-most option that shows by default and see if it pulls in any more options from the right but, then, i've no experience with that get-up nor too many others.
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I talked to customer support this morning as my DVR won't show recorded shows even though it displays that 4% of the hard drive space is used. They tell me that it's a regional California error and just wait till the engineers figure it out. It's very frustrating to say the least.
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@ricks181 they thought it was a regional issue but it isn't. NY has the same issue for months. The engineers did make some updates which brought back the shows that were missing and also eliminated shows that were in the menu at the same time. Now they are trying to get that stuff back but who knows if they will.
I'm disappointed with Spectrum for not being more proactive about this. They have technology that sends me a text every time my Internet signal fluctuates to send a technician but have no idea what's happening with their own boxes on the network? I've had to call 5 times and stay on top of them constantly.
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Here’s an update. Spectrum finally acknowledged there’s an issue. They thought it was only in CA and realize it’s more widespread.
They “fixed” it by eliminating programs I had recorded and now the same issue is happening with programs from this week recording and not being visible in the guide.
What’s worse, it takes up storage space on the DVR but you can’t delete anything not visible.
It’s been going on for months. I received two phone calls with little update other than it’s still an open issue. I find it frustrating that Spectrum isn’t able to correct the issue or do more to help the customers impacted. Provide new boxes, Zummos, etc. ?