Old roadrunner email
Best Answer
Good morning and welcome @WCan!
For the account located by using your registration details here, I am showing the email associated with your account using the domain ec.rr.com is currently active. It was showing locked due to no activity for more than 6 months, but should be accessible via webmail.spectrum.net. You can use the "forgot email password" option on that page if unable to login. The mailbox for the email using your name is showing empty however. If that is not the email account you were referring to, I'm not showing any other associated with your account. -Mo
That doesn't seem right. I can access the old emails through my PC based email app, which shows emails as late as the end of February and over 200 emails in the inbox. Just can't sync, send, or download anything more recent. Also, I tried going to webmail.spectrum.net and using the forgot password option - does not recognize the combination of email address and MAC (I tried all three - CM, MTA and SN)
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The active email associated with the account is your full first and last name followed by the domain. I also see you have another listed as a contact with just first initial and last name, this email is not associated with the current active account. Which were you trying to access?
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After calling tech support, it appears as though the previous email (first initial) was switched to the other one. Not sure how this happened. I have no record of changing / creating a new email address. We will go to the Spectrum store and try and get it switched back and recover all the old emails. Thanks
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Thank you for the update. It appeared that the email with first initial was a sub account that may have been associated with another or previous account under another first name. There were a couple other email addresses associated with that account as well, one primary and another sub account. If that account is no longer active, any associated email accounts would end up disabled and subsequently deleted.