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No Signal

Best Answer
Good afternoon & welcome @iftsuhara,
Were you having an issue with one receiver, both receivers or using the Spectrum TV app? All of your equipment currently shows online. Did you see a "no signal" message on your TV screen?
If using one of our receivers, no signal typically means the TV has an input selected that has nothing connected and you may just need to change the input on the TV using a source or input option on the TV remote. Our remotes will sometimes work for this function as well if programmed. That message could also indicate a disconnected or loose cable if the input selection is correct. You can make sure the connection between the receiver and TV is firmly connected on both ends, typically this would be an HDMI cable, but one of your receivers supports other connections as well. Whatever connection or port you physically connect to will also need selected as the input.
If the input selection is good, please attempt rebooting the affected receiver by removing both the power and coaxial cable from the back for at least 30 seconds before reconnecting. If you're still having any trouble, let us know along with any additional detail of the issue you're seeing.