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When will symmetrical internet packages be available in my area?

devisevib Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited August 5 in Connectivity

I’m from Brillion, WI (54110) and would like to know when symmetrical internet packages will be rolled out in my area. Currently we aggregate multiple lines from Spectrum but have always been waiting for High-Split to be available so we can subscribe to a single plan and have one fast, symmetrical connection.

I noticed insight was provided by staff on other posts so hoping to hear from you here. Thanks!

Best Answer

  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 568 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited June 5 Answer ✓

    Good evening @devisevib and Welcome to our Community Forums,

    Thank you for reaching out to us about symmetrical speeds. This is available in select areas at this time. We do not have a time line on when/if this will be available in your area. Please continue to follow our website and our Forums page for updates. - Lyn

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