Has anyone else had issues with daily outages in their area?

Carolinasky Posts: 3 Spectator
edited August 5 in Connectivity

For the past 3 months I've had outages in my area constantly. At first they would happen every few days, but lately they've become a daily occurrence. I've had the same service for a decade now, but am ready to switch as soon as another provider comes to the area. If someone has experienced this issue, did Spectrum ever fix it?

Best Answers

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,591 Contributor
    edited June 6 Answer ✓

    Welcome to the forum, Some questions:

    1.) When you call in to Spectrum is there a voicemail message about the outages in your area?

    2.) If there is not, or even if there is, when was your last service call for a drop line check and signal evaluation test? I would call to set that up, especially if voicemail does not show a problem in your area.

    3.) Aging wiring inside and outside, bad weather, animal chews, and equipment failure can happen. You need a service call for an evaluation of your Internet service. Get that set up ASAP. Don't wait for an "auto fix." If this is an issue just related to you and you don't report this by calling in,this is not going to get resolved. You need a tech onsite.


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,041 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓


    I was able to locate your account using your registration information. I can see there are some signal issues that would need to be addressed by a technician through a service call. The signal issue can definitely be causing the intermittent issue you described. Once addressed, you should see the service working as expected.

    If you need assistance setting up a service call, let us know here or you can call in to set up a time that works for your schedule.



  • Carolinasky
    Carolinasky Posts: 3 Spectator

    1. There are outages in the area daily, sometimes twice daily now
    2. I did call yesterday to have a tech come out, coming out tomorrow

    When I called, the tech said there was no signal loss showing up. They do have a tech coming to check my router/modem. Considering this is an area outage problem, I don't think this will fix it, but figured I'd give it a shot at least.

  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 176 Contributor

    Can probably chalk this up to the growing pains of the system.

    The high split changes are likely causing a sort of retuning of the system to integrate the new ofdm technology. The end result is less headroom on the channels to deal with the seasonal fluctuations of signal quality. Where you once may have had as much as five or more dbm of headroom to deal with the increased resistance in the summertime you may now be down to just two or three... if that much. So now you're all of a sudden on the edge of signal and if it gets too far out of whack the modem may reboot automatically trying to find a better channel allotment.

    There are probably a lot of homes that need to have their lines reattuned to work with these changes. The older the original cable installation, the more likely this is to be the case.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,591 Contributor

    1. There are outages in the area daily, sometimes twice daily now
    2. I did call yesterday to have a tech come out, coming out tomorrow

    When I called, the tech said there was no signal loss showing up. They
    do have a tech coming to check my router/modem. Considering this is an
    area outage problem, I don't think this will fix it, but figured I'd
    give it a shot at least.

    Just a note,

    When you call Spectrum, you are not speaking to a technician. You are communicating to a Customer Service Rep. There are two types of techs, Field Techs, who manage the system infrastructure by updating networks, lines, and wiring, who typically don't come to a customer's door. And Service Techs, who actually visit the customers' residence to check wiring, connections, and equipment.

    When your tech comes today, mention the signal problems that @James_M sees on your account. Don't mention what the phone CSR rep said. CSR reps are not techs.


  • Carolinasky
    Carolinasky Posts: 3 Spectator

    Didn't see this post before service tech came out. He did check the signals and saw no issues. Replaced the modem and router. Don't think that will fix the area outages we having pretty much twice daily, but would love to eat my own words.

  • Wranglersbelle2010
    Wranglersbelle2010 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    We have this every single day, usually around the same time every day too. My bill has increased and my services continue to decrease. I think it’s time to make the switch. I’m tired of paying for services not rendered.

  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 176 Contributor


    Make a note of these time frames... make sure to include that information when you setup the service call. This could be tied to a recurring environmental shift (ie, hotter part of the day etc.), or something that regularly occurs in the system (like peak congestion, something throwing interference upstream).

    IF you can access the modem's signal level page and print/save copies of both good and bad time frames for a tech to review, it can provide some valuable insights. Otherwise, someone may need to monitor the line to try to capture the potential exceptions that may show up in such reportings.

    Information like this can help identify/track a problem... can potentially dramatically improve the turnaround time for resolving an issue.

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