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Constantly Losing Connection

Moomie5 Posts: 5 Spectator

I constantly have to reset my modem and Wi-Fi. Sometimes several times a day. While I’m watching cable, I’ll get a screen that comes up and says that the channel is not available at this time. I’m not sure what to do. I switched to Spectrum from Dish in February and I have been experiencing this from the beginning. I previously had a modem/wifi in one and received an email from Spectrum that it was outdated and needed replaced. The new equipment has given me more problems. I use the XUMO streaming box to connect.

My current equiptment is:
modem model EN2251

router model SAX2V1S

Thank you for any input.

Best Answer

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 883 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community!

    I do apologize for the issues with our service. When you have the issues with the service do you reset the modem and router by unplugging their power cords and the screw in coax cord for 30 seconds then plug them back in? If you do and the issues persist the issue most likely isn't the equipment and a technician visit may be needed.



  • Moomie5
    Moomie5 Posts: 5 Spectator

    We did not have this issue until we added the cable service. The internet and WiFi never had any issues.

    I do the following as it is posted on Spectrum’s website:

    To reboot your modem and your WiFi router:

    1. Unplug the power cord from the back of the modem and remove any batteries.
    2. Unplug the power cord from the WiFi router.
    3. Wait at least one minute, then reinsert any batteries and reconnect power to the modem.
    4. Wait at least two minutes to allow the modem to power up. The modem’s lights should gradually turn on to confirm the device has power and is connected to the internet.
    5. Reconnect the power to your WiFi router. Allow at least 2 minutes for your router to finish powering on.
    6. Check your internet connection to make sure it’s working. 
  • Moomie5
    Moomie5 Posts: 5 Spectator
    edited July 2024

    Sorry about the multiple posts.

  • Moomie5
    Moomie5 Posts: 5 Spectator
    edited July 2024

    I also tried using the Spectrum app on my Samsung TV. I get this error too.

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 883 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thank you for trying all of that! So the next step would be to have a technician come out. The quickest way to set that up would be to call in to 1-855-707-7328 or reach out to customer service via social media on Facebook, X, or Instagram.


  • Moomie5
    Moomie5 Posts: 5 Spectator

    Okay. Thank you!

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