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Can I create a SPAM filter for the SUFFIX .de to eliinate this junk?

AJBecker Posts: 4 Spectator

I am getting most all of my SPAM from various domain names with the ".de" suffix. I tried creating a filter but it doesn't work.

The filter searches the FROM field for the string ".de" I understand how that may be too generic for the filter to understand

Any suggestions??


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,836 Contributor

    Welcome to the Community @AJBecker!

    Unfortunately, Spectrum email is built off of twenty year legacy Road Runner technology. This was a courtesy to customers that still have Road Runner email.

    I strongly recommend switching to a free web mail account such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail,or Outlook.com. They have two-way authorization and modern spam guards for much better security. You should use an ad blocker to stop the banner ads. I recommend Ghostery in all of your web browsers. It will also help with tracking protection.

    Spectrum Mail was good for it's time, but it has not been modernized and is too old and vulnerable to security risks. In contrast, Web Mail is modern, free for life, and can be used on all PC's and devices with a web browser and Internet connection. Make the switch!


  • AJBecker
    AJBecker Posts: 4 Spectator

    Thanks I don't want to be part of Mr Google Yahoo or MS Billy

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,836 Contributor

    Have a look at Mail.com,

    It's not a big monopolistic company, but is more modern and secure than Spectrum email:



  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 938 Contributor

    Right you are because ".de" would affect all messages that have that anywhere in the from address. As stupid as this may sound, i think you could largely eliminate overkill by loading up all five conditions of the rule as follows: 1. from address does contain ".de" and 2. it doesn't contain ".com" and 3. it doesn't contain ".net" and 4. it doesn't contain ".org" and 5. it doesn't contain ".gov".

    You effect the and operand by virtue of the "All Conditions" matching option. Use Move Messages to Folder for the action and create a folder named e.g. ".de filtered" for the filtered email to go to (keeping in mind that filtering is not the same thing as blocking even if the action is to delete) and peruse the effect as often as you've a mind to and keep an eye out for residual overkill and resolve any overkill by creating yet another such filter rule that whacks ".de" unless it includes e.g. ".edu" or ".mil" or whatever, and keep in mind how you can add email addresses and domains to your safe senders list which presumably overrides everything else.

    Otherwise, what Satch said.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,836 Contributor


    If you choose Mail.com, for webmail, use the Ghostery ad blocker to stop the ads.


  • AJBecker
    AJBecker Posts: 4 Spectator

    Thanks to you both. Is it just the client issue that we are dealing with? If I Used MS lookOUT and set to IMAP. Maybe I could filter it there with a little more ease and safety?

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 938 Contributor
    edited August 2024

    No handling control available via IMAP (or POP3 for that matter.) You control handling via the webmail portal and IMAP syncs away accordingly. (What you can do with a 𝜇soft Outlook email client app for 𝜇soft email accounts and services via 𝜇soft Exchange or 𝜇soft sync technology is another story.)

    Just curious about how much of this spam is getting the treatment according to your spam handling settings and whether you're regularly marking that which isn't as is via the webmail portal or what.

    Otherwise, for what it's worth: https://macmost.com/how-to-really-stop-getting-spam-email.html ☘️

  • AJBecker
    AJBecker Posts: 4 Spectator

    Ok I get it. I guess I will just put up with it. I don't worry about being fooled by the content as I don't get many emails I need to worry about. It is just annoying as all hell.

    Thanks for the input. I appreciate the info 😎

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