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"... didn't work quite right... unable to determine the status of your internet connection..."

AntDude Posts: 169 Contributor


For the past several days, I noticed my logged in https://www.spectrum.net/services/internet web page says:

"We're sorry, something didn't work quite right. Please refresh to load your results. Refresh Page> We're unable to determine the status of your internet connection. Please try again later." I attached a screen shot/capture from my Firefox v131.0.3 web browser below:

I see the same thing in my iPhone's Spectrum iOS app.

I already tried rebooting my leased Spectrum's E31N2V1 (Hitron; Intel Puma 7 chipset; DOCSIS 3.1) cable modem and Netgear Orbi RBK753S-100NAS (WiFi 6; AX4200) router. Everything (Internet, phone, and TV services) work fine though.

The only thing I noticed "Devices on Network" is greyed out and has an animated spinning wait blue circle. Is this Spectrum's router which I don't have and use? If so, then is this causing the confusing error messages?

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)


  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 224 Contributor

    System status checks have always been a bit wonky when customer provided equipment is in play--especially with modems. Possible it is trying to query a router and it is throwing something off.

    Are you getting billed for wifi management? It is like a $5 charge on the bill for managing things. If you are using your own router and wifi (not thiers), you can get that removed and if they sent you a combo unit they will also change the bridge mode so it runs as a normal passthrough modem.

  • AntDude
    AntDude Posts: 169 Contributor

    Well, it is not my cable modem for sure. Router is mine since I want to control that part. I don't see that $5 fee. I removed that many a few years ago when replaced the old dying leased Arris cable modem (had a router inside) with a new leased Hitron cable modem (didn't have a router inside) from Spectrum.

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