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I received the new modem from Spectrum. Will I be charged for this item on my monthly bill?

katietrooper Posts: 3 Spectator

I currently use a different modem that I purchased several years ago. Will the cost of the new modem from Spectrum be charged to me? And how much is that?

Thank you.

Best Answers

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,837 Contributor
    Answer ✓


    If the modem is rented from Spectrum, there is no charge. It's included in the service. If you don't have a service problem and you call for an updated modem because you want faster speeds, that counts as an upgrade and you could be charged a one-time truck roll fee.

    If you have a service related problem related to a modem or any equipment rented from Spectrum and the tech comes out to update equipment, that counts as a troubleshoot call and there would be no charge for that.


  • katietrooper
    katietrooper Posts: 3 Spectator
    Answer ✓

    I purchased the old modem from Spectrum. You provided a new modem without me asking for it. Please confirm that your office will not be billing me for its use if I install it.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,837 Contributor
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    I purchased the old modem from Spectrum. You provided a new modem without me asking for it. Please confirm that your office will not be billing me for its use if I install it.

    No charge for Spectrum rented modems.

    Spectrum updated your older rented Spectrum modem with another newer rented Spectrum modem. As stated above, if there is no problem with the old Spectrum modem and you want Spectrum to come out to install the new modem, there would be a one-time fee for installation only.

    If there is a problem with the old Spectrum modem and Spectrum comes out to install the new Spectrum modem, there is no charge for that install.

    There is no monthly billing charge for any modem rented from Spectrum. There is a small charge to rent a WIFI router from Spectrum, but the modems that are provided by Spectrum have no charge.


  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hey there @katietrooper,

    Welcome to our community page! @Satch is correct, there is no charge for utilizing our equipment, as it is included with your service. Having said that, I was able to locate your account via your registration information and I can confirm that we sent a replacement modem due to your previous modem being outdated. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused, but I can assure you there will be no charge. The old modem will need to be returned to any UPS store within 14 days, to avoid any unreturned equipment charges. The process is very simple, and you can find more information on that here http://bit.ly/2MXHjwA. . If you have any questions, please know we are here for you 24/7!

  • katietrooper
    katietrooper Posts: 3 Spectator
    Answer ✓

    thank you both. You put my mind at ease.

  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓


    We hope you have a wonderful day and keep in mind we are here on the platform to assist 24/7.

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